Tuesday, 22 December 2015



In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful

The huge controversy surrounding the celebration of Maulid Nabiy could not be claimed to have been an issue between the lovers of the Prophet and his haters. Many things have been said and written concerning this subject-matter, where its supporters postulate that such event would serve as a spiritual gathering that binds together the hearts of the Muslims, and also a time of self assessment on the extent to which one clings to the Sunnah of the Prophet. Despite the fact that it has become centuries-old, the subject-matter of Maulid gains momentum in the caucus of the Muslim scholars across all ages. Practically, therefore, no significant contribution it will add to knowledge if we open up a debate on it afresh. However, there is still a room for discussion, especially to remind ourselves about the rulings of Sharia with regards to any religious affairs.

Since the celebration of Maulid Nabiy is regarded as an act over which one expects a reward from Allah, it has, no doubt, become Ibadah. This article is, therefore, meant to clarify this misconception.

It is a fundamental belief in Islam that the Prophet Muhammad was sent by Allah with a perfect and complete message to be our role model; hence his duty manifests in explaining what we need to know as Muslim about religion. He did not leave any ambiguity in the message and thus no room for changes. He said in one of his traditions:

"Every single prophet that was sent had to tell his nation the good that he knew so that they could follow it and the bad that he knew so that they could stay away from it."

Also he said:

"There is nothing that brings you closer to Allah except that I have told you about it, and there is nothing that takes you away towards the fire of hell except that I have warned you against it."

These two Hadiths imply that the Prophet (S.A.W) has completely discharged his duty as a Messenger and left no stone unturned to convey the Message. He was also reportedly said on his farewell pilgrimage pointing his index towards the sky: “Have I not conveyed the message? Oh Allah! Be my witness”. To this, Allah the Almighty attests when He says:

“Today I have perfected your religion for you” Q5 v3.

Perfection in this context indicates its completion without any flaw or defect of any kind, and that it has come to a stage where it could not be done any better. It is totally unique, radically distinctive, and highly unusual. On this basis, no Muslim, regardless of his rank, title and degree, is expected to come and claim to have known or discovered a better way to worship Allah besides what the Prophet has brought and taught. If he does, it will mean one of two things:

1- that the prophet did not completely deliver the message,
2- or he knows more and could do better than the Prophet

This certainly is an act of disbelief (wal- iyaadhu billah) which I believe no true Muslim would knowingly mean to do so. There was an instance of three men among the companions, who came to ask about the ibadah the prophet, May peace and blessing of Allah be on him:

Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim on the authority of Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) that a group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet worshipped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they seemed to belittle it saying: "Where are we from the Prophet as his past and future sins have been forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever." The other said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away from women and will not marry forever." Allah's Messenger (PBUH) (upon hearing the incidents, summoned them and) asked, 'Are you the same people who said so-and so? By Allah! Indeed, I am the one who fears Allah the most amongst you, and the most pious of you; yet, I fast and break my fast, I pray and I sleep, and I marry women. So, he who opposes my Sunnah" is not from me.

These companions were not actually arrogant neither did they want to disregard the Prophet or his message; except that they thought they could do even better than him. However, the Prophet reprimanded them, regardless of their good intention, on the ground that they wanted to invent a new way of worshipping Allah. Given this, any act of Ibadah must strictly be justified by al-Quran or Sunnah.
At this juncture, it is necessary to clarify some misconceptions with regards to the difference between Ibadah and culture. They are two different things that are treated in a different manner in Islam. For more understanding, I will summarize it hereunder.

Human actions could be categorized into two spheres or realms:

1- Natural spheres

This involves our worldly affairs which everybody shares in common. It includes food, drinks, clothes, houses, rides and some other modern technologies. With regards to this, the general rule is “everything is permissible” and the burden of proof lies with somebody who prAbusekinahohibits it. Islam does not dictate any preference to us concerning this category as long as it does not conflict with religious law. Although, this category could be converted into Ibadah with a good intention, but it is not an act of worship in the first place. So, basically, innovation (bid’a) cannot occur in this category.

2- Religious spheres

This is exactly the opposite of the worldly affairs. So, with regards to religious affairs, the general rule is “everything is impermissible” and the burden of proof lies upon somebody who practices it.

On this basis, we would say to the celebrants of Maulid al-Nabiy to substantiate this act with a proof from al-Quran or any authentic tradition of the Prophet that clearly supports this, or with any instance from the companions of the prophet or their followers up to the sixth century, when it first emerged. If Maulid Nabiy is an act of Ibadah, it would not have skipped the minds of these scholars, especially the first three generations of Islam. If truly the celebration of Maulid indicates one’s love for the Prophet, the companions of the Prophet would have been the first to do that. In fact, Abdullah ibn Umar, who is known for his personal ijtihad to imitate the Prophet in everything, to the point that he urinates where the Prophet urinated, would have been at the cutting edge of this act.

Having no precedent, we may conclude that the celebration of Maulid Nabiy is purely an innovated act of worship for which no one should expect a reward.

Allah knows best

By: Abu Sekinah
For: TariQQ Consult.

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