Allah Says:
“Come, I will rehearse what Allah hath (really) prohibited you from”: Join not anything as equal with Him; be good to your parents; kill not your children on a plea of want;- We provide sustenance for you and for them;- come not nigh to shameful deeds. Whether open or secret; take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus doth He command you, that ye may learn wisdom. (Q6: 151)
قُلْ تَعَالَوْاْ أَتْلُ مَا حَرَّمَ رَبُّكُمْ عَلَيْكُمْ أَلاَّ تُشْرِكُواْ بِهِ شَيْئًا وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ أَوْلاَدَكُم مِّنْ إمْلاَقٍ نَّحْنُ نَرْزُقُكُمْ وَإِيَّاهُمْ وَلاَ تَقْرَبُواْ الْفَوَاحِشَ مَا ظَهَرَ مِنْهَا وَمَا بَطَنَ وَلاَ تَقْتُلُواْ النَّفْسَ الَّتِي حَرَّمَ اللّهُ إِلاَّ بِالْحَقِّ ذَلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُمْ بِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
"And come not nigh to the orphan’s property, except to improve it, until he attain the age of full strength; give measure and weight with (full) justice;- no burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear;- whenever ye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is concerned; and fulfil the covenant of Allah. thus doth He command you, that ye may remember. (Q6 : 152)
وَلَا تَقْرَبُوا مَالَ الْيَتِيمِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ حَتَّىٰ يَبْلُغَ أَشُدَّهُ ۖوَأَوْفُوا الْكَيْلَ وَالْمِيزَانَ بِالْقِسْطِ ۖ لَا نُكَلِّفُ نَفْسًا إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۖ وَإِذَا قُلْتُمْ فَاعْدِلُوا وَلَوْ كَانَ ذَا قُرْبَىٰ ۖ وَبِعَهْدِ اللَّـهِ أَوْفُوا ۚ ذَٰلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُم بِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُونَ ﴿١٥٢﴾
This is a wasiyat (A note of guidance left for ones inheritors) from RasoolAllah (PBUH) and has his (PBUH) stamp on it as being given to us by the command of Allah
These ayahs give those commands of Usool e Deen which are found in every monotheist religion and is outlined by every Messenger that came before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
( Tafseer taken from Taleem ul Quran & The Retreat by Farhat Hashmi)
These rules are the foundation of our Deen,
Allah SWT commands Prophet Muhammad: “Say…. Come”…
towards a higher plane, this is in reference to physically as well as spiritually. Someone who is at a higher level is inviting the people at the lower lever upwards “ let me recite to you in such a way that nothing would intervene between you and me”,
i.e. read, understand and follow, become so familiar with it so that no strangeness or ambiguity remains between this book and the people to whom it is being recited.
“ What Allah has made haraam on you by your Rab”:
1. Do not make partners with Him (SWT). Whether they are anyone or anything, small or large.
Hadith established it that: Do not do shirk (ascribe partners) with Allah even if you are burned or killed, do not join any other with Him (SWT), even if you are thrown in the fire. (e.g. Ibrahim (AS) was thrown in the fire because he declared Allah and only Allah as the only God)
Hadith also established it that: If someone dies not having joined partners with Allah he will go straight to Paradise.
And elsewhere in the Quran are reminders of this:
“But if they strive to make thee join in worship with Me things of which thou hast no knowledge, obey them not; yet bear them company in this life with justice (and consideration), and follow the way of those who turn to me (in love): in the end the return of you all is to Me, and I will tell you the truth (and meaning) of all that ye did.” (Q31 : 15)
Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: “O my son! join not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest wrong-doing.”
(Q31 : 13)
2. Treat your parents with Ehsaan Which defined as giving more than the haqq of the person, more than they have a right or more than what they deserve.
3. Do not kill your children for fear of poverty
"Kill not your children for fear of want.We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin."
(Q17 : 31)
4. Do not go near Fawahish: This is a plural for fahashah, defined as an Open/public disobedience or sin, which affects others, i.e. Adultery (Zina), do not even go near it, don’t go on that path which might lead you to it.
It includes that disobedience which is open or that which is within the heart that one hides from others and one does it in privacy.
Examples include envy greed, backbiting, slander, or ill or vicious thoughts of harming others. All these acts are those that we hide from others, and yet indulge in our privacy.
(These thoughts and acts harm us by poisoning our thought processes from the inside and eventually come out in a disastrous manner. This command is aimed to turn the tap off at its source)
Allah Says:
"Say: the things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or secret; sins and trespasses against truth or reason; assigning of partners to Allah, for which He hath given no authority; and saying things about Allah of which ye have no knowledge."
(Q7 : 33)
According to an hadith: Ayesha RA related that the Prophet of Allah (PBUH ) said
“Allah feels most ghairaat when he sees his creation man or women doing zina (adultery).
5. Do not kill anyone that Allah has made haraam, except when you have the haq, the judicial right to do so: eg in the battlefield, or by justice and law.
These commandments are essential and so you are being asked to use your intellect to understand and follow.
6. Do not even approach the property of the orphan, except for what is best for him or her.
And if it is in your jurisdiction keep it safe till he or she becomes of age of maturity, physically, emotionally and intellectually (age 25 according to some scholars).
Allah says:
"Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well off, Let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all is Allah in taking account."
(Q4 : 6)
"Those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, eat up a Fire into their own bodies: They will soon be enduring a Blazing Fire!"
(Q4 : 10)
7. When you measure or weigh do it accurately, and with justice, do not keep any for yourself that actually belongs to them.
It is a disaster for those who deliberately do not measure and weigh for others and usurp their right.
8. Allah SWT does not burden any person with what is a great difficulty for them and lays on them tasks according to their ability to bear the burden.
9. When you speak do so justly (especially dealing between your children) or give witness, be truthful and just even if you have to give witness against your close relative or kin.
Allah says:
"O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah, even as against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest ye swerve, and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do."
(Q4 : 135)
“Did I not enjoin on you, O ye Children of Adam, that ye should not worship Satan; for that he was to you an enemy avowed?-"
(Q36 : 60)
10. Fulfill the covenant of Allah
Don’t worship anything other than Allah
Don’t do what he asked you not to do
Do what he asked you to do.
Fulfill your promise (ehad) because you will have to account for it. If you make a promise with Allah’s name you must fulfill it.
Allah says:
"Fulfill the Covenant of Allah when ye have entered into it, and break not your oaths after ye have confirmed them; indeed ye have made Allah your surety; for Allah knoweth all that ye do.
Covenant of Allah taken by the children of Adam."
(Q16 : 91)
"When thy Lord drew forth from the Children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants, and made them testify concerning themselves, (saying): “Am I not your Lord (who cherishes and sustains you)?”- They said: “Yea! We do testify!” (This), lest ye should say on the Day of Judgment: “Of this we were never mindful”
(Q7 : 172)
Allah is giving us these commandments so that we are constantly aware of these and remember to act on them constantly and consistently.
"Verily, this is My way, leading straight: follow it: follow not (other) paths: they will scatter you about from His (great) path: thus doth He command you. that ye may be righteous."
(Q6 : 153)
وَأَنَّ هَـذَا صِرَاطِي مُسْتَقِيمًا فَاتَّبِعُوهُ وَلاَ تَتَّبِعُواْ السُّبُلَ فَتَفَرَّقَ بِكُمْ عَن سَبِيلِهِ ذَلِكُمْ وَصَّاكُم بِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ (6:153
Following these commandments will keep one on the straight path. Thus Allah SWT commands that follow this path not the others, if you do stray to the side paths, which are the paths of Shaytaan which lead to the Hellfire, then you will be separated from the path of Allah. He has given you these essential guidelines so that you become muttaqeen and are saved from the path of the Fire.
Prophet said:
"Beware of the side paths away from the straight path as that is where Shaitan is sitting to get you off the straight path for good."
Use your intellect, understand, and then act on these commandments.
Disobeying these commandments falls into the category of major sins.
These commandments are repeated in every sermon in every church and synagogue and yet people go and do exactly the opposite…Why?
Tawheed is missing from their commandments…….Why?
The only reason we need to be aware of what others do is to beware of falling into those habits too that lead us away from acting on these commandments of Allah.
These commandments encompass the thought processes, love, family life, business, children, justice, and taking responsibility for ones own acts.
Allah SWT does not burden any person with what is a great difficulty for them and lays on them tasks according to their ability to bear the burden.
May Allah (SWT) :
Give us the strength and taqwa to follow these commandments.
To give us the insight and perseverance to perform istighfaar if we have transgressed any of these.
To empower us to stay consistently on the Siraat e Mustaqeem with His (SWT) blessings.
To lead us to Jannat al Firdous, to behold His (SWT) face and be enveloped in His SWT love……… for eternity. Inshallah let this be our goal.
Adeyanju Jamiu (Abu Nasir)
TariQQ Consult Nig.
TariQ Consult Nigeria is a renowned Research platform and Consult poised at public enlightenment on life related issues, Local and international updates, Relationship and Marriage build up as well as coeducational consultancy.
Sunday, 31 January 2016
ROMANCE IN ISLAM: Tips for Sisters
ROMANCE IN ISLAM: Tips For Sisters
So many marriages has failed because sisters dont know how to handles her hubby, how to make him happy and how to satisfy him intimately. Now these little tips may be of help to you.
Dear sisters,
its also part of your duty to be romantic too. Shyness doesn't mean you should be shy to express your love for your hubby, some women think that 'haya' means you should be tough even to your hubby, your husband is now your mahram by virtue of marriage.
There are 3 kinds of mahram:
-by blood,
-by kinship and
-by marriage..
Send sweet text to your husband at work, sometimes even if you are together in the same room with your husband chat with him on social networks, even though he is right there beside you it's fun !
You should be mostly chating with your husband, not non-mahrams on social networks.
Buy affordable gift for him no matter how small it's enough for you to win his heart 💝 💘 e.g. flowers.
When eating atimes use your spoon (or hand) to feed him like your baby 😊 , learn how to make snacks, cokies etc to make him happy...
Sister! use your soft voice to sing for him, be creative, a poem like (twinkle twinkle lovely spouse, how I wonder what you are, up above my world so high, like a diamond in my heart). Sing poems for him, no shyness there.
Al khansaa and khawlaa bint azwar used to sing, ibn qayyim and imam shafi used to compose poems. It's sunnah...
When your husband has gone to work, clean the house and tidy up yourself don't let him come back and see you the way he left you in the morning, cook his favourite food frequently, make it ready for him on the dining table or a safe place, tidy up yourself and the entire house again and wear a seductive dress so that when he comes back from work the first thing he will see is his pretty darling wife dressed as a better person (new bride).
His love for you will surely increase by the day... Everybody can be romantic whether poor or rich you can do it at your on level, it's all about contentment !
Don't just be welcoming your husband with an angry face because their is no money in the house or you're not in good mood at least smile :) , Allah is Ar-razaq, he is the provider. Welcome him with a warm hug always ( don't be shy 🙈 he's your property 👍🏻 ), and when he is going to work, make dua for him to return safely.
Support him, advise him, wipe his tears, be grateful to him because it's not easy to be a man, when you see his Iman depreciating preach to him,
-don't ask him for divorce,
-don't compare him with other men interms of richness,
-don't describe women to him,
-buy gifts for him too, cat-walk for him, sing for him,
-praise him in a way that he wouldn't think of a second wife ,
-be the best cook ,
- tidy up his car (or bike if has), dress him up, take care of him when he's sick...
Wake him with a peck and don't complain about his earnings..
Ask him to teach you about hadith, fiqh, seerah, usool and others..
By: Abu Nasir
For TariQQ Consult Nig.
So many marriages has failed because sisters dont know how to handles her hubby, how to make him happy and how to satisfy him intimately. Now these little tips may be of help to you.
Dear sisters,
its also part of your duty to be romantic too. Shyness doesn't mean you should be shy to express your love for your hubby, some women think that 'haya' means you should be tough even to your hubby, your husband is now your mahram by virtue of marriage.
There are 3 kinds of mahram:
-by blood,
-by kinship and
-by marriage..
Send sweet text to your husband at work, sometimes even if you are together in the same room with your husband chat with him on social networks, even though he is right there beside you it's fun !
You should be mostly chating with your husband, not non-mahrams on social networks.
Buy affordable gift for him no matter how small it's enough for you to win his heart 💝 💘 e.g. flowers.
When eating atimes use your spoon (or hand) to feed him like your baby 😊 , learn how to make snacks, cokies etc to make him happy...
Sister! use your soft voice to sing for him, be creative, a poem like (twinkle twinkle lovely spouse, how I wonder what you are, up above my world so high, like a diamond in my heart). Sing poems for him, no shyness there.
Al khansaa and khawlaa bint azwar used to sing, ibn qayyim and imam shafi used to compose poems. It's sunnah...
When your husband has gone to work, clean the house and tidy up yourself don't let him come back and see you the way he left you in the morning, cook his favourite food frequently, make it ready for him on the dining table or a safe place, tidy up yourself and the entire house again and wear a seductive dress so that when he comes back from work the first thing he will see is his pretty darling wife dressed as a better person (new bride).
His love for you will surely increase by the day... Everybody can be romantic whether poor or rich you can do it at your on level, it's all about contentment !
Don't just be welcoming your husband with an angry face because their is no money in the house or you're not in good mood at least smile :) , Allah is Ar-razaq, he is the provider. Welcome him with a warm hug always ( don't be shy 🙈 he's your property 👍🏻 ), and when he is going to work, make dua for him to return safely.
Support him, advise him, wipe his tears, be grateful to him because it's not easy to be a man, when you see his Iman depreciating preach to him,
-don't ask him for divorce,
-don't compare him with other men interms of richness,
-don't describe women to him,
-buy gifts for him too, cat-walk for him, sing for him,
-praise him in a way that he wouldn't think of a second wife ,
-be the best cook ,
- tidy up his car (or bike if has), dress him up, take care of him when he's sick...
Wake him with a peck and don't complain about his earnings..
Ask him to teach you about hadith, fiqh, seerah, usool and others..
By: Abu Nasir
For TariQQ Consult Nig.
ROMANCE IN ISLAM: 12 Tips For Brothers
ROMANCE IN ISLAM: 12 Tips For Brothers
So many Muslims marriges suffers happiness, honey and light because so many things which could spice up joy are missing. This are few tips for the brother.
Carry her to her bed when she sleeps off in the parlour, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2-year old girl atimes. That's why women behave childish or silly sometimes.
You may have an argument with your wife and the next thing is that you will see her taking your bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say " I am sorry for the argument".That's women for you.
Every brother needs to study the University of women before getting married, read books about them, learn what the prophet (SAW) said about them and what Allah said about them, and you will hardly have a problem with them.
Though you will still have problem(s), because a woman is always a woman and her imperfections are there. Even the wives of the prophet were like that despite their ilm, heekmah and understanding of the deen except Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She was the best among them, she was known as taheraah(the pure), she never shouted at the prophet even though she was old enough to give birth to him, she was the best wife material, a home maker, a sealed nectar, extremely beautiful, the creme of Quraysh, sweet scented musk, stainless and untainted to the extent that Allah even sent Angel Jibrael to greet her (As salamu alaykum). SubhanAllah!
So brothers, read books about marriage, an ideal home, child upbringing, fiqh of marriage and the likes. Don't just jump into marriage with an empty head about matrimony! You will have problems.
Even the wife of Umar R.A was once shouting and yelling at him at the top of her voice, a man wanted to come and complain of the same issue to him but was surprised when he heard similar thing happening to Umar. Umar called him and the man explained his reason for coming, Umar told him that; my wife takes care of the house, do the dishes, feed the animals, bake bread, feed my children and takes care of me even though all these are not binding on her, why shouldn't I also ignore her imperfections?
My brother, go and do the same to your wife, and be patient and kind to her for there is no perfection in this world, and rely on Allah, this world is very short ! SubhanAllah !
How many men can tolerate their wives nagging let alone shouting?
Umar said, you should be quiet when your spouse is angry, when one person is fire, the other person should be water.
Brother ! when your wife steps on your feet intentionally or mistakenly, don't let your eyes turn red, just smile at her, if she did it intentionally she is just playing with you, if she did it mistakenly its not her fault. So, why shout at her over every small mistake? As a man learn to ignore some things, don't be petty !
Do hide and seek with your wife, sing poems for your wife in the garden or inside the house, even if she is yabbing you. Assist her in house chores and some other things, don't just be commanding her everyday. Bath together with her, wake her up for tahajjud, swim with her if you have the means. Cook together, teach her how to cook if she doesn't know how to. Cooking shouldn't be only a woman's duty...
Use blindfold to cover her eyes and tickle her, scare her atimes, call her from work, text her, write
"I love you" in a small note and put it under her pillow or in her purse or in her bathroom or inside her cupboard. All these are part of being romantic.
When a woman tells you that you are not romantic, It means you are not doing all these things, it's not the romance in the bedroom she is talking about! That's why brothers we need to study "women's language" ....
Brothers! don't just jump on ur wives like animals, the prophet (SAW) said, "when any of you meet his wive(s), let there be a messenger (kissing 👄) between you and her"....(muslim)
Start with foreplay then others...
Read books on intimacy, don't learn it from what you see in movies !
Most of what you see are haram...
Always call your husband with special names, be creative 😊 !
Though you can also call him by his name even if he is 20yrs older than you, as far as he is comfortable with it...
Remember that Allah said, men are the protectors and maintainers of women. So respect him and honour him even if he is younger than you.
Marriage isn't a bed of roses but a bed of sacrifice... The prophet said, "there is nothing better for two people who love each other than marriage"...
Imam ibn qayyim said; "To fall in love is a disease and its cure is to marry the person one is in love with."
Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance and you find out you still care for that person....
Finally, married men, divide your nights into 3: one for yourself (sleeping), one for your wife and one for your lord. That's the best night....
By: Abu Nasir
For TariQQ Consult Nig. (TCN)
So many Muslims marriges suffers happiness, honey and light because so many things which could spice up joy are missing. This are few tips for the brother.
Carry her to her bed when she sleeps off in the parlour, make her feel like a baby at times. The truth is, every woman wants to be treated like a 2-year old girl atimes. That's why women behave childish or silly sometimes.
You may have an argument with your wife and the next thing is that you will see her taking your bags outside the house, it doesn't mean she is asking for a divorce, she is just being childish, she simply wants you to hold her, look her in the eyes and say " I am sorry for the argument".That's women for you.
Every brother needs to study the University of women before getting married, read books about them, learn what the prophet (SAW) said about them and what Allah said about them, and you will hardly have a problem with them.
Though you will still have problem(s), because a woman is always a woman and her imperfections are there. Even the wives of the prophet were like that despite their ilm, heekmah and understanding of the deen except Khadija bint Khuwaylid. She was the best among them, she was known as taheraah(the pure), she never shouted at the prophet even though she was old enough to give birth to him, she was the best wife material, a home maker, a sealed nectar, extremely beautiful, the creme of Quraysh, sweet scented musk, stainless and untainted to the extent that Allah even sent Angel Jibrael to greet her (As salamu alaykum). SubhanAllah!
So brothers, read books about marriage, an ideal home, child upbringing, fiqh of marriage and the likes. Don't just jump into marriage with an empty head about matrimony! You will have problems.
Even the wife of Umar R.A was once shouting and yelling at him at the top of her voice, a man wanted to come and complain of the same issue to him but was surprised when he heard similar thing happening to Umar. Umar called him and the man explained his reason for coming, Umar told him that; my wife takes care of the house, do the dishes, feed the animals, bake bread, feed my children and takes care of me even though all these are not binding on her, why shouldn't I also ignore her imperfections?
My brother, go and do the same to your wife, and be patient and kind to her for there is no perfection in this world, and rely on Allah, this world is very short ! SubhanAllah !
How many men can tolerate their wives nagging let alone shouting?
Umar said, you should be quiet when your spouse is angry, when one person is fire, the other person should be water.
Brother ! when your wife steps on your feet intentionally or mistakenly, don't let your eyes turn red, just smile at her, if she did it intentionally she is just playing with you, if she did it mistakenly its not her fault. So, why shout at her over every small mistake? As a man learn to ignore some things, don't be petty !
Do hide and seek with your wife, sing poems for your wife in the garden or inside the house, even if she is yabbing you. Assist her in house chores and some other things, don't just be commanding her everyday. Bath together with her, wake her up for tahajjud, swim with her if you have the means. Cook together, teach her how to cook if she doesn't know how to. Cooking shouldn't be only a woman's duty...
Use blindfold to cover her eyes and tickle her, scare her atimes, call her from work, text her, write
"I love you" in a small note and put it under her pillow or in her purse or in her bathroom or inside her cupboard. All these are part of being romantic.
When a woman tells you that you are not romantic, It means you are not doing all these things, it's not the romance in the bedroom she is talking about! That's why brothers we need to study "women's language" ....
Brothers! don't just jump on ur wives like animals, the prophet (SAW) said, "when any of you meet his wive(s), let there be a messenger (kissing 👄) between you and her"....(muslim)
Start with foreplay then others...
Read books on intimacy, don't learn it from what you see in movies !
Most of what you see are haram...
Always call your husband with special names, be creative 😊 !
Though you can also call him by his name even if he is 20yrs older than you, as far as he is comfortable with it...
Remember that Allah said, men are the protectors and maintainers of women. So respect him and honour him even if he is younger than you.
Marriage isn't a bed of roses but a bed of sacrifice... The prophet said, "there is nothing better for two people who love each other than marriage"...
Imam ibn qayyim said; "To fall in love is a disease and its cure is to marry the person one is in love with."
Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and the romance and you find out you still care for that person....
Finally, married men, divide your nights into 3: one for yourself (sleeping), one for your wife and one for your lord. That's the best night....
By: Abu Nasir
For TariQQ Consult Nig. (TCN)
WHAT PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA Said about Hijab to the American people
Said about Hijab to the American people.
Click to watch Video.
Click to watch Video.
THE PUNCH LIED! UK is not Banning Hijab: A Rejoinder By Rasheed Abubakar & Adeyanju Jamiu
THE PUNCH LIED! UK is not Banning Hijab: A Rejoinder By Rasheed Abubakar & Adeyanju Jamiu
The world attention, particularly, those who crave for sanity, justice and fair play, was drawn to the headline of a news story entitled: Britain Moves Against Hijab in Schools, as published in the Friday, January 29, 2016 edition of The Punch newspaper, a Nigerian tabloid.
The news story, no doubt, further exposed The Newspaper's pent up prejudice against Islam and its ideals, including Hijab- the Muslims headscarf.
The story, with all intent and purposes simply exposes the very limited knowledge of the writers (Folashade Adebayo and Motunrayo Joel) the subject they chose to write about. They proved that, as reporters, they are not adequately informed about the subject of the story so much that they could not even distinguish between ‘Niqab’ (islamic veil) and ‘Hijab’ (islamic headscarf).
Professionally, in journalism, ignorance can never be taken for an excuse for murdering facts which are considered sacred. Hence, the cliché which states that: a journalist knows something about everything (other professions) and knows everything about something (journalism- his/her profession).
Hence, if the reporters are not genuinely ignorant about the subject matter, it was obvious they followed their perverted sentiments and allowed their emotions to make them deliberately ignore the principle of accuracy, a key element in news reporting.
The fact that France and few West African nations have called for the ban of Niqab (face veil) or long Hijab due to insecurity doesn't mean the media should join the bandwagon of the ignoramus who need enlightenments from the same media that is now leading the pack in misleading uninformed public; since the core objective of the media is to "report the news as it is" - without subjective or misleading headlines; and with no editorialising or interpretations- to either serve the interest of the writer or its founders/owners.
Follow the link to read full story»
The world attention, particularly, those who crave for sanity, justice and fair play, was drawn to the headline of a news story entitled: Britain Moves Against Hijab in Schools, as published in the Friday, January 29, 2016 edition of The Punch newspaper, a Nigerian tabloid.
The news story, no doubt, further exposed The Newspaper's pent up prejudice against Islam and its ideals, including Hijab- the Muslims headscarf.
The story, with all intent and purposes simply exposes the very limited knowledge of the writers (Folashade Adebayo and Motunrayo Joel) the subject they chose to write about. They proved that, as reporters, they are not adequately informed about the subject of the story so much that they could not even distinguish between ‘Niqab’ (islamic veil) and ‘Hijab’ (islamic headscarf).
Professionally, in journalism, ignorance can never be taken for an excuse for murdering facts which are considered sacred. Hence, the cliché which states that: a journalist knows something about everything (other professions) and knows everything about something (journalism- his/her profession).
Hence, if the reporters are not genuinely ignorant about the subject matter, it was obvious they followed their perverted sentiments and allowed their emotions to make them deliberately ignore the principle of accuracy, a key element in news reporting.
The fact that France and few West African nations have called for the ban of Niqab (face veil) or long Hijab due to insecurity doesn't mean the media should join the bandwagon of the ignoramus who need enlightenments from the same media that is now leading the pack in misleading uninformed public; since the core objective of the media is to "report the news as it is" - without subjective or misleading headlines; and with no editorialising or interpretations- to either serve the interest of the writer or its founders/owners.
Follow the link to read full story»
Disobedience simply means failure or deliberate refusal to follow a known layed down rules and regulations.
In the religious concept, it is going against the limit of Allah.
This action(s) of Muslims leads to what we considered to be Sin. Therefore to understand the topic, emphasis should be laid on the meaning of Sin.
The Holy Last Messenger (s.a.s.) said:
“Righteousness is good morality and sin is that which causes discomfort (or pinches) within your soul and which you dislike people to become informed of.” [Sahih Muslim]
Sin is that aspect in a Muslim’s life in which he or she makes effort to abstain from at all costs. Allah warns all of mankind that everything mankind does in this world will be put before us on Yawmul-Qiyaama (The Day of Resurrection) in Surah al-Zilzal:
“And he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” [Holy Qur’an, 99:7-8]
Allah also warns mankind that the one whose bad deeds (sins) are heavy will be in Hell, as can be found in Surah al-Qari’ah.
A Muslim’s strife is to live the life of a believer and separate from the likeness of the sinner, as Allah differentiates the Mu’min (believer) from the fasiq (sinner) in Surah As-Sajdah:
“Is he who is a believer like unto him who is a sinner? They are not alike! For those who believe and do righteous works, for them are Gardens of Retreat, a welcome (in reward) for what works they did. And as for those who do evil, their abode is the Fire. Whenever they wish to leave, they will be forced back into it, and it will be said to them: Taste the torment of the Fire which you used to reject.” [Holy Qur’an, 32:18-20]
It is clear that one must steer away from sin and do righteous acts. However uncertainty arises in the mind when referring to the subject of sin such as
1.) The difference between a sin and a mistake,
2.) Shaytaan’s (Satan) role in the commission of a sin,
3.) If one becomes removed from Islam due to committing a sin, and
4.) The major sins.
Fault means any action that takes place unintentionally and Sin is with intention.
For example, Shaytaan put such ideas into the heart of Prophet Adam (a.s.) to approach the tree. Adam did it and as a result, Allah sent him to the earth.
Similarly, Prophet Yunus committed a fault and he adopted that way prohibited to him according to the instruction of Allah.
Allah clears it in the Holy Qur’an that it was Shaytaan who put the idea into Prophet Adam and Prophet Yunus (a.s.), so there is no doubt that Shaytaan can put these ideas into the hearts of the Nabiyeen to divert their attention from the right way. But the mistakes they commit are only according to the Hikmah of Allah.
All the good things take place from the Kindness of Allah while all of the bad things are due to Shaytaan. The awliya are not free from this was-wâs (evil whispers), but if this was-wâs happens to any wali, as soon as he realizes it, he busies himself in tawba (repentance). But on the other hand, the common people, when they commit a sin, they do not realize it and they do not feel guilty about it.
Note: Sins are of three (3) types:
- Against Allah.
- Against brotherhood.
- Against humanity.
In Hadith, Anas (r.a.) narrated that Rasulullah (s.a.s.) said Shaytaan travels through the body like blood.
In Hadith Imam Abu Hanifah (r.a.) related that the prophet (SAW) said:
“The was-wâs that enters the hearts of my ummah Allah has forgiven, as long as they don’t act upon or voice it.”[Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim agree on it]
Ibn Al-Qayim described the consequences of disobedience.
Learning these consequences will help us resist committing sins in shaa Allah. Print them out and hang them in your room, next to your computer screen, and in any place you frequently disobey Allah.
These are the consequences of disobedience:
1- The prevention of Knowledge. Knowledge is a light, which Allah throws into the heart, and disobedience extinguishes this light. Imam Al-Shaafi’e said,
“I complained to Wakee’ about the weakness of my memory, so he ordered me to abandon disobedience. And informed me that the knowledge is light. And that the light of Allah is not given to the disobedient.”
2- The prevention of Sustenance. Just as Taqwa brings about sustenance, the abandonment of Taqwa causes poverty. There is nothing that can bring about sustenance like the abandonment of disobedience.
3- The prevention of obedience (to Allah). If there were no other punishment for sins other than that it prevents one from obeying Allah then this would be sufficient.
4- Disobedience weakens the heart and the body. Disobedience does not stop weakening the heart until its life ceases completely, rendering the body dead.
5- Disobedience reduces the lifespan and destroys any blessings. Just as righteousness increases the lifespan, sinning reduces it.
6- Disobedience sows its own seeds and gives birth by itself until separating from it and coming out of it becomes difficult for the servant.
7- Sins weaken the heart’s will and resolve so that the desire for disobedience becomes strong and the desire to repent becomes weak bit by bit until the desire to repent is removed from the heart completely.
8- Every type of disobedience is a legacy of a nation from among the nations which Allah (swt) destroyed. Sodomy is a legacy of the People of Lut, taking more than one’s due right and giving what is less is a legacy of the People of Shu’ayb, seeking greatness in the land and causing corruption is a legacy of the People of Pharaoh and pride/arrogance and tyranny is a legacy of the People of Hud. So the disobedient one is wearing the gown of some of these nations who were the enemies of Allah.
9- Disobedience is a cause of the servant being held in contempt by his Lord. Al-Hasan al-Basree said, “They became contemptible in (His sight) so they disobeyed Him. If they were honorable (in His sight) He would have protected them. Allah the Exalted said, “And whomsoever Allah lowers (humiliates) there is none to give honor.” (22:18).”
10- The servant continues to commit sins until they become very easy for him and seem insignificant in his heart and this is a sign of destruction. Every time a sin becomes insignificant in the sight of the servant it becomes great in the sight of Allah. Ibn Mas’ood (rAa) said, “Indeed, the believer sees his sins as if he was standing at the foot of a mountain fearing that it will fall upon him and the sinner sees his sins like a fly which passes by his nose so he tries to remove it by waving his hand around.”
11- Disobedience inherits humiliation and lowliness.Honor, all of it, lies in the obedience of Allah. Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak said, “I have seen sins kill the hearts. And humiliation is inherited by their continuity. The abandonment of sins gives life to the hearts. And the prevention of your soul is better for it.”
12- Disobedience corrupts the intellect. The intellect has light and disobedience extinguishes this light. When the light of the intellect is extinguished it becomes weak and deficient.
13- When disobedience increases, the servant’s heart becomes sealed so that he becomes of those who are heedless. The Exalted said, “But no! A stain has been left on their hearts on account of what they used to earn (i.e. their actions).” (83:14).
14- Sins cause the various types of corruption to occurin the land like corruption of the waters, the air, the plants, the fruits and the dwelling places. The Exalted said, “Mischief has appeared on the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have earned; that He may give them a taste of some of (the actions) they have done, in order that they may return.” (30:41).
15- The disappearance of modesty which is the essence of the life of the heart and is the basis of every good. Its disappearance is the disappearance of all that is good. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Modesty is goodness, all of it.” A Poet said, “And by Allah, there is no good in life or in the world when modesty goes.”
16- Sins weaken and reduce the magnification of Allah, the Mighty, in the heart of the servant.
17- Sins are the cause of Allah forgetting His servant, abandoning him and leaving him to fend for himself with his soul and his Shaytan and in this is the destruction from which no deliverance can be hoped for.
18- Sins remove the servant from the realm of Ihsaan(doing good) and he is prevented from (obtaining) the reward of those who do good. When Ihsaan fills the heart it prevents it from disobedience.
19- Disobedience causes the favors (of Allah) to cease and make His revenge lawful. No blessing ceases to reach a servant except due to a sin and no retribution is made lawful upon him except due to a sin. Allah the Exalted said, “Whatever misfortune afflicts you then it is due to what your hands have earned and (yet) He pardons many.” (42:30).
And the Exalted also said,“That is because never will Allah change the favor He has bestowed on a people until they change what is with themselves.” (8:53).
Ali (rAa) said: “No calamity has descended except by disobedience, and no calamity is repelled except by repentance.”
In conclusion, three things are indispensable for a believer in all conditions of life: he should keep the Commandments of Allah; he should abstain from the haraam (forbidden); and he should be pleased with the decree of Providence. Thus the least that is expected of a believer is that he should be without these three things. So it is meant that he should make up his mind for this and talk to himself about this and keep his organs engaged in this.
Thanks for your time. May Allah forgive the writer and the readers.
By Adeyanju Jamiu (Abu Nasir)
TariQQ Consult Nig.
Disobedience simply means failure or deliberate refusal to follow a known layed down rules and regulations.
In the religious concept, it is going against the limit of Allah.
This action(s) of Muslims leads to what we considered to be Sin. Therefore to understand the topic, emphasis should be laid on the meaning of Sin.
The Holy Last Messenger (s.a.s.) said:
“Righteousness is good morality and sin is that which causes discomfort (or pinches) within your soul and which you dislike people to become informed of.” [Sahih Muslim]
Sin is that aspect in a Muslim’s life in which he or she makes effort to abstain from at all costs. Allah warns all of mankind that everything mankind does in this world will be put before us on Yawmul-Qiyaama (The Day of Resurrection) in Surah al-Zilzal:
“And he who does an atom’s weight of good will see it. And he who does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.” [Holy Qur’an, 99:7-8]
Allah also warns mankind that the one whose bad deeds (sins) are heavy will be in Hell, as can be found in Surah al-Qari’ah.
A Muslim’s strife is to live the life of a believer and separate from the likeness of the sinner, as Allah differentiates the Mu’min (believer) from the fasiq (sinner) in Surah As-Sajdah:
“Is he who is a believer like unto him who is a sinner? They are not alike! For those who believe and do righteous works, for them are Gardens of Retreat, a welcome (in reward) for what works they did. And as for those who do evil, their abode is the Fire. Whenever they wish to leave, they will be forced back into it, and it will be said to them: Taste the torment of the Fire which you used to reject.” [Holy Qur’an, 32:18-20]
It is clear that one must steer away from sin and do righteous acts. However uncertainty arises in the mind when referring to the subject of sin such as
1.) The difference between a sin and a mistake,
2.) Shaytaan’s (Satan) role in the commission of a sin,
3.) If one becomes removed from Islam due to committing a sin, and
4.) The major sins.
Fault means any action that takes place unintentionally and Sin is with intention.
For example, Shaytaan put such ideas into the heart of Prophet Adam (a.s.) to approach the tree. Adam did it and as a result, Allah sent him to the earth.
Similarly, Prophet Yunus committed a fault and he adopted that way prohibited to him according to the instruction of Allah.
Allah clears it in the Holy Qur’an that it was Shaytaan who put the idea into Prophet Adam and Prophet Yunus (a.s.), so there is no doubt that Shaytaan can put these ideas into the hearts of the Nabiyeen to divert their attention from the right way. But the mistakes they commit are only according to the Hikmah of Allah.
All the good things take place from the Kindness of Allah while all of the bad things are due to Shaytaan. The awliya are not free from this was-wâs (evil whispers), but if this was-wâs happens to any wali, as soon as he realizes it, he busies himself in tawba (repentance). But on the other hand, the common people, when they commit a sin, they do not realize it and they do not feel guilty about it.
Note: Sins are of three (3) types:
- Against Allah.
- Against brotherhood.
- Against humanity.
In Hadith, Anas (r.a.) narrated that Rasulullah (s.a.s.) said Shaytaan travels through the body like blood.
In Hadith Imam Abu Hanifah (r.a.) related that the prophet (SAW) said:
“The was-wâs that enters the hearts of my ummah Allah has forgiven, as long as they don’t act upon or voice it.”[Imam Al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim agree on it]
Ibn Al-Qayim described the consequences of disobedience.
Learning these consequences will help us resist committing sins in shaa Allah. Print them out and hang them in your room, next to your computer screen, and in any place you frequently disobey Allah.
These are the consequences of disobedience:
1- The prevention of Knowledge. Knowledge is a light, which Allah throws into the heart, and disobedience extinguishes this light. Imam Al-Shaafi’e said,
“I complained to Wakee’ about the weakness of my memory, so he ordered me to abandon disobedience. And informed me that the knowledge is light. And that the light of Allah is not given to the disobedient.”
2- The prevention of Sustenance. Just as Taqwa brings about sustenance, the abandonment of Taqwa causes poverty. There is nothing that can bring about sustenance like the abandonment of disobedience.
3- The prevention of obedience (to Allah). If there were no other punishment for sins other than that it prevents one from obeying Allah then this would be sufficient.
4- Disobedience weakens the heart and the body. Disobedience does not stop weakening the heart until its life ceases completely, rendering the body dead.
5- Disobedience reduces the lifespan and destroys any blessings. Just as righteousness increases the lifespan, sinning reduces it.
6- Disobedience sows its own seeds and gives birth by itself until separating from it and coming out of it becomes difficult for the servant.
7- Sins weaken the heart’s will and resolve so that the desire for disobedience becomes strong and the desire to repent becomes weak bit by bit until the desire to repent is removed from the heart completely.
8- Every type of disobedience is a legacy of a nation from among the nations which Allah (swt) destroyed. Sodomy is a legacy of the People of Lut, taking more than one’s due right and giving what is less is a legacy of the People of Shu’ayb, seeking greatness in the land and causing corruption is a legacy of the People of Pharaoh and pride/arrogance and tyranny is a legacy of the People of Hud. So the disobedient one is wearing the gown of some of these nations who were the enemies of Allah.
9- Disobedience is a cause of the servant being held in contempt by his Lord. Al-Hasan al-Basree said, “They became contemptible in (His sight) so they disobeyed Him. If they were honorable (in His sight) He would have protected them. Allah the Exalted said, “And whomsoever Allah lowers (humiliates) there is none to give honor.” (22:18).”
10- The servant continues to commit sins until they become very easy for him and seem insignificant in his heart and this is a sign of destruction. Every time a sin becomes insignificant in the sight of the servant it becomes great in the sight of Allah. Ibn Mas’ood (rAa) said, “Indeed, the believer sees his sins as if he was standing at the foot of a mountain fearing that it will fall upon him and the sinner sees his sins like a fly which passes by his nose so he tries to remove it by waving his hand around.”
11- Disobedience inherits humiliation and lowliness.Honor, all of it, lies in the obedience of Allah. Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak said, “I have seen sins kill the hearts. And humiliation is inherited by their continuity. The abandonment of sins gives life to the hearts. And the prevention of your soul is better for it.”
12- Disobedience corrupts the intellect. The intellect has light and disobedience extinguishes this light. When the light of the intellect is extinguished it becomes weak and deficient.
13- When disobedience increases, the servant’s heart becomes sealed so that he becomes of those who are heedless. The Exalted said, “But no! A stain has been left on their hearts on account of what they used to earn (i.e. their actions).” (83:14).
14- Sins cause the various types of corruption to occurin the land like corruption of the waters, the air, the plants, the fruits and the dwelling places. The Exalted said, “Mischief has appeared on the land and the sea on account of what the hands of men have earned; that He may give them a taste of some of (the actions) they have done, in order that they may return.” (30:41).
15- The disappearance of modesty which is the essence of the life of the heart and is the basis of every good. Its disappearance is the disappearance of all that is good. The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, “Modesty is goodness, all of it.” A Poet said, “And by Allah, there is no good in life or in the world when modesty goes.”
16- Sins weaken and reduce the magnification of Allah, the Mighty, in the heart of the servant.
17- Sins are the cause of Allah forgetting His servant, abandoning him and leaving him to fend for himself with his soul and his Shaytan and in this is the destruction from which no deliverance can be hoped for.
18- Sins remove the servant from the realm of Ihsaan(doing good) and he is prevented from (obtaining) the reward of those who do good. When Ihsaan fills the heart it prevents it from disobedience.
19- Disobedience causes the favors (of Allah) to cease and make His revenge lawful. No blessing ceases to reach a servant except due to a sin and no retribution is made lawful upon him except due to a sin. Allah the Exalted said, “Whatever misfortune afflicts you then it is due to what your hands have earned and (yet) He pardons many.” (42:30).
And the Exalted also said,“That is because never will Allah change the favor He has bestowed on a people until they change what is with themselves.” (8:53).
Ali (rAa) said: “No calamity has descended except by disobedience, and no calamity is repelled except by repentance.”
In conclusion, three things are indispensable for a believer in all conditions of life: he should keep the Commandments of Allah; he should abstain from the haraam (forbidden); and he should be pleased with the decree of Providence. Thus the least that is expected of a believer is that he should be without these three things. So it is meant that he should make up his mind for this and talk to himself about this and keep his organs engaged in this.
Thanks for your time. May Allah forgive the writer and the readers.
By Adeyanju Jamiu (Abu Nasir)
TariQQ Consult Nig.
Friday, 29 January 2016
Our society is presently bereaved of the true understanding of human rights. It is oscillating between criminal discretion of powers that be to jettison God and the godless religious sycophants. The drivers of its policies are under the stupor of occultism and befogged minds. It is pregnant with hydra headed teething quagmires. Ordinary men suffer excruciating penury which blurs their reasonability. Fantasies and nudism have become the way of life of the youths. The elders while time away with intoxicating wines and prostitutes.
The spate of moral corruption is unimaginable. Crimes continue unabated. Fornication is now a pastime, vulgarity in music and arts, profanity in worship and friendship, violent abuse of power with temerity, collection of bribery by all opportunists in uniform and outside it, breakdown in the family system, criminal tendencies and violation of human rights.
We now face the stark reality of survival or ruin. The terrorism of Boko Haram has sent many innocent souls to the grave, the terrible state of our roads have taken more lives, the poor health situation has aggravated existence with worse ailments, the poor quality of education has damaged the future of little children.
Instead of tackling our problems from the root, we are engaged with cutting the branches. Whatever we suffer today are the dividends of our human system. We cannot jettison the law of God in whatever garb and think that all will be well. Today, we see our girls in spaghetti tops’, ‘wicked straps’, ‘mono straps’, ‘tubes’, ‘show me your belly’, ‘belly buttons’, ‘bare backs’, ‘cut offs’, ‘ tank tops’, ‘muscle shirts’, ‘hort tops’, ‘tight hip-hugger jeans’, and feel unperturbed, we see our children watch terrible films, we feel the future is secured. It is very glaring that the hues and cries of Hijaab being used by the Boko Haram is only an argument for the mentally deluded; before Boko Haram Muslim ladies have been denied and oppressed for Hijaab during NYSC camps; during data capturing for PVC, BVN, our women were harassed to show their ears as if it is the means of identification. It is nothing but a deliberate and continuous humiliation and harassment! Must all these continue? It must stop, and that is what HIJAB DAY has come to remind the world.
As the Muslim world mark Hijaab day, we should note that it is not a celebration but a promotion of the values of hijaab; not a protest but an enlightenment on the divinity of the dress. History is replete, in the past and in the present, how ladies in Hijaab have been icons of scholarship and starling academic performance, winning different awards. We are in a civilized world when empirical studies should guide out thoughts, if we will not believe in God. No single research has been conducted that Hijaab affects economy, academics, health, etc. To the contrary, research has been carried out that Muslim ladies in Hijaab have better and healthy skin, since it is not exposed as others do using body creams of all kinds.
Hijaab registers the presence of a Muslim lady as a decent and an intellectual icon. She detests sexy cloth and goes for Hijaab. It conceals her beauty and reserves it for her husband because great minerals are concealed by natural order until unearthed when needed. Hijaab makes her skin fresh and saved from contaminations of different kinds. Unlike all other wears of women, Hijaab saves men from temptation that can fire their basal selves. Anthropologically, Hijaab makes a Muslim woman see all people from her own world while they cannot all see what she is. Hijaab emphasizes the spiritual over the material, unlike other who are desperately busy exhibiting their shapes, contours, complexion, hijaab keeps a Muslim lady calm, cool and calculated. She is sealed nectar.
All arguments against Hijaab only show how potent it is in keeping women more responsible. It is unfortunate that the world now celebrate intellectual sickness at the expense of its reawakening. Hijaab is part of our history and can never become an artifact. It is a divine right that no mortal can deny. It is even, according to the feeble human law, a constitutional right that can never be rubbished away. It is a practical demonstration of morality that no moral element can detest. It has always been part of the life of great women like Mary, mother of Jesus and many others. Most importantly, it is one of the cornerstones that make a Muslim woman.
A stitch in time, they say saves nine. We should allow Muslim ladies to wear their Hijaab without molestation. We as elders may be patient and diplomatic about the whole issue but the generation of the upcoming youths is different. They belong to the Internet age. They now have access to information on several websites that are at times even violent, ISIL, ISIS, BH, etc. We should have foresight by not denying any religious group fundamentals of their religion so far it does not infringe on others’ right. Hijaab to the Muslim is fundamental and does not cause problem for anybody. As others have right to be indecently dressed, the Muslim lady has right to be well dressed too.
All noises about Hijaab are purely Islamaphobic. Even the so called advanced country like France banned Hijaab. Italy imposed fines. A Lagos state Principal flogged a little girl scores of canes because of merely covering the hair with Hijaab. Why? A graduate during NYSC camp was also because of same molested. Why?
Enough is enough. We should be futuristic and strategic in handling religious matters. Muslims have sacrificed a lot of principles of their faith in this country, but because we are tolerant and wisely rescind to silence and due process, people have taken it for granted. In most government schools, more than 90 percent of our daughters are denied the wearing of Hijaab, whereas we pay taxes and we are entitled as majority to democratic dividend not in cash but in moral living. After all, it is the Muslims who are more sincerely committed to polygamy, thus even if were of equal number at the beginning, out advantage as a polygynous group will have given us the edge.
Let us give Hijaab full support. Let all women embrace it. Let our girls in schools use their Hijaab. Let us reflect over the impact Hijaab makes and that of the indecent wears. Hijaab is a fulfillment for a Muslim lady. It is her life. So, no one should take it.
By Adeniyi O.Z. (PhD)
For TariQQ Consult Nigeria (TCN)
Our society is presently bereaved of the true understanding of human rights. It is oscillating between criminal discretion of powers that be to jettison God and the godless religious sycophants. The drivers of its policies are under the stupor of occultism and befogged minds. It is pregnant with hydra headed teething quagmires. Ordinary men suffer excruciating penury which blurs their reasonability. Fantasies and nudism have become the way of life of the youths. The elders while time away with intoxicating wines and prostitutes.
The spate of moral corruption is unimaginable. Crimes continue unabated. Fornication is now a pastime, vulgarity in music and arts, profanity in worship and friendship, violent abuse of power with temerity, collection of bribery by all opportunists in uniform and outside it, breakdown in the family system, criminal tendencies and violation of human rights.
We now face the stark reality of survival or ruin. The terrorism of Boko Haram has sent many innocent souls to the grave, the terrible state of our roads have taken more lives, the poor health situation has aggravated existence with worse ailments, the poor quality of education has damaged the future of little children.
Instead of tackling our problems from the root, we are engaged with cutting the branches. Whatever we suffer today are the dividends of our human system. We cannot jettison the law of God in whatever garb and think that all will be well. Today, we see our girls in spaghetti tops’, ‘wicked straps’, ‘mono straps’, ‘tubes’, ‘show me your belly’, ‘belly buttons’, ‘bare backs’, ‘cut offs’, ‘ tank tops’, ‘muscle shirts’, ‘hort tops’, ‘tight hip-hugger jeans’, and feel unperturbed, we see our children watch terrible films, we feel the future is secured. It is very glaring that the hues and cries of Hijaab being used by the Boko Haram is only an argument for the mentally deluded; before Boko Haram Muslim ladies have been denied and oppressed for Hijaab during NYSC camps; during data capturing for PVC, BVN, our women were harassed to show their ears as if it is the means of identification. It is nothing but a deliberate and continuous humiliation and harassment! Must all these continue? It must stop, and that is what HIJAB DAY has come to remind the world.
As the Muslim world mark Hijaab day, we should note that it is not a celebration but a promotion of the values of hijaab; not a protest but an enlightenment on the divinity of the dress. History is replete, in the past and in the present, how ladies in Hijaab have been icons of scholarship and starling academic performance, winning different awards. We are in a civilized world when empirical studies should guide out thoughts, if we will not believe in God. No single research has been conducted that Hijaab affects economy, academics, health, etc. To the contrary, research has been carried out that Muslim ladies in Hijaab have better and healthy skin, since it is not exposed as others do using body creams of all kinds.
Hijaab registers the presence of a Muslim lady as a decent and an intellectual icon. She detests sexy cloth and goes for Hijaab. It conceals her beauty and reserves it for her husband because great minerals are concealed by natural order until unearthed when needed. Hijaab makes her skin fresh and saved from contaminations of different kinds. Unlike all other wears of women, Hijaab saves men from temptation that can fire their basal selves. Anthropologically, Hijaab makes a Muslim woman see all people from her own world while they cannot all see what she is. Hijaab emphasizes the spiritual over the material, unlike other who are desperately busy exhibiting their shapes, contours, complexion, hijaab keeps a Muslim lady calm, cool and calculated. She is sealed nectar.
All arguments against Hijaab only show how potent it is in keeping women more responsible. It is unfortunate that the world now celebrate intellectual sickness at the expense of its reawakening. Hijaab is part of our history and can never become an artifact. It is a divine right that no mortal can deny. It is even, according to the feeble human law, a constitutional right that can never be rubbished away. It is a practical demonstration of morality that no moral element can detest. It has always been part of the life of great women like Mary, mother of Jesus and many others. Most importantly, it is one of the cornerstones that make a Muslim woman.
A stitch in time, they say saves nine. We should allow Muslim ladies to wear their Hijaab without molestation. We as elders may be patient and diplomatic about the whole issue but the generation of the upcoming youths is different. They belong to the Internet age. They now have access to information on several websites that are at times even violent, ISIL, ISIS, BH, etc. We should have foresight by not denying any religious group fundamentals of their religion so far it does not infringe on others’ right. Hijaab to the Muslim is fundamental and does not cause problem for anybody. As others have right to be indecently dressed, the Muslim lady has right to be well dressed too.
All noises about Hijaab are purely Islamaphobic. Even the so called advanced country like France banned Hijaab. Italy imposed fines. A Lagos state Principal flogged a little girl scores of canes because of merely covering the hair with Hijaab. Why? A graduate during NYSC camp was also because of same molested. Why?
Enough is enough. We should be futuristic and strategic in handling religious matters. Muslims have sacrificed a lot of principles of their faith in this country, but because we are tolerant and wisely rescind to silence and due process, people have taken it for granted. In most government schools, more than 90 percent of our daughters are denied the wearing of Hijaab, whereas we pay taxes and we are entitled as majority to democratic dividend not in cash but in moral living. After all, it is the Muslims who are more sincerely committed to polygamy, thus even if were of equal number at the beginning, out advantage as a polygynous group will have given us the edge.
Let us give Hijaab full support. Let all women embrace it. Let our girls in schools use their Hijaab. Let us reflect over the impact Hijaab makes and that of the indecent wears. Hijaab is a fulfillment for a Muslim lady. It is her life. So, no one should take it.
By Adeniyi O.Z. (PhD)
For TariQQ Consult Nigeria (TCN)
Thursday, 21 January 2016
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The federal government has decried the way and manner Nigerians, especially women, are being treated in their bid to comply with the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) directive on the registration of the subscriber identification module (SIM) in use, threatening to deal with erring telecom companies henceforth.
A statement by the special assistant on media to the minister of communications, Mr Adebayo Shittu, Mr Victor Oluwadamilar, said that this has become necessary, following the barrage of compliants by telecoms subscribers across the country.
According to him, “The minister’s office had been inundated with complaints from Nigerians, particularly women in veil, over the way they were being treated, sometimes humiliated, by the workers of telecommunications companies nationwide.
“In some of the complaints, women in pudah were required to remove their veils in public despite requests by such women that a place should be provided for them away from public glare and for only female officials to attend to them. All entreaties by these women failed, rather they were allegedly accused of being Boko Haram agents and refused registration after several altercations ensued in some of the registration centres.”
The minister, who frowned at the development, urged the telecommunications companies involved to accord maximum respect to Nigerian, particularly women, by respecting their feminine nature and religious disposition, moreso since the Nigerian Constitution has guaranteed the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion of all citizens and that such right should never be violated by executive or administrative lawlessness, high handedness, and insensitivity.
He noted that Nigerians deserve unreserved apologies from the concerned telecoms companies, saying that it is inhuman and unacceptable to treat Nigerians in such a cruel manner as it is a universal maxim that the right of even minorities are respected worldwide. He, therefore, urged the telecommunications companies to train and retrain their workers on the right and more civilized ways of treating their customers, adding that sanction may be applied against any erring company that refuse to comply with the policy of the Nigerian government under the change agenda of President Muhammadu Buhari.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
Are beards good for your health?
20 January 2016
If you were in search of a new, disease-fighting antibiotic, where might you start? In a swamp? A remote island? Well, how about combing beards? Michael Mosley investigates.
On Trust Me I'm a Doctor we do experiments which sometimes throw up genuinely new science. In a previous series, for example, we discovered you can cut the calories in pasta by cooking, cooling and then reheating it.
That was a very pleasing result. But our most recent discovery, finding bacteria which appear to be producing a novel form of antibiotic, feels altogether more significant. What was particularly delightful was that they were found growing in someone's beard.
Beards, as you may have noticed, are back. The chin-strap, the goatee, the neck beard and the Van Dyke, they all have their fans. But with beards sprouting everywhere, like new grass in the spring sunshine, there has inevitably been a backlash.
Critics claim that beards are not only an irritating affectation but can potentially harbour unpleasant bugs.
So, what's the evidence that beards pose any sort of health risk? Pogonophobes, people who fear beards, had those fears confirmed by a recent study in New Mexico where they found traces of enteric bacteria, the sort usually found in faeces, in randomly sampled beards.
As one newspaper put it: '"Some beards contain more poo than a toilet."
But is this typical? A recent and rather more scientific study, carried in an American hospital, came to very different conclusions.
Find out more
Trust Me I'm A Doctor is on BBC Two at 20:00 on Wednesday 20 January - or watch later on BBC iPlayer
In this study, published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, they swabbed the faces of 408 hospital staff with and without facial hair.
They had good reasons for doing so. We know that hospital-acquired infections are a major cause of disease and death in hospitals, with many patients acquiring an infection they didn't have when they went in. Hands, white coats, ties and equipment have all been blamed, but what about beards?
Well, the researchers were surprised to find that it was the clean-shaven staff, and not the beardies, who were more likely to be carrying something unpleasant on their faces.
The beardless group were more than three times as likely to be harbouring a species known as methicillin-resistant staph aureus on their freshly shaven cheeks. MRSA is a particularly common and troublesome source of hospital-acquired infections because it is resistant to so many of our current antibiotics.
So what's going on? The researchers suggested that shaving might cause micro-abrasions in the skin "which may support bacterial colonisation and proliferation".
Perhaps. But there was another more plausible explanation staring them in the face. That beards fight infection.
Unlikely? Well, driven by curiosity we recently swabbed the beards of a random assortment of men and sent them off to Dr Adam Roberts, a microbiologist based at University College London, to see what, if anything, he could grow.
Adam managed to grow over 100 different bacteria from our beards, including one that is more commonly found in the small intestine. But, as he quickly explains, that doesn't mean it came from faeces. Such findings are normal and nothing to worry about.
Far more interesting, in a few of the petri dishes he noticed that something was clearly killing the other bacteria. The most obvious suspect was a fellow microbe.
We see microbes as our enemy, but they clearly don't see us that way. Down at their level bacteria and fungi spend their time competing with each other. They fight for food, resources and space. By doing so, over millennia, they have evolved some of the most sophisticated weapons known to microbe-kind - antibiotics.
Penicillin was originally extracted from Penicillium notatum, a species of fungus. The microbe-killing properties of this fungus were discovered by Alexander Fleming when he noticed that a fungus spore, which had accidently blown into his lab from researchers further down the corridor, had killed some bacteria he was growing on a petri dish.
The fungus Penicillium notatum - is there something similar in beards?
So could our mysterious microbes be doing something similar? Killing fellow bacteria by producing some sort of toxin?
"Yes," says Adam extremely cautiously. "Possibly."
Adam indentified the silent assassins as part of a species called Staphylococcus epidermidis. When he tested them against a particularly drug-resistant form of Eschercichia coli (E. coli), the sort that cause urinary tract infections, they killed with abandon.
Purifying and properly testing a novel antibiotic is so expensive and has such a high failure rate that it is extremely unlikely doctors will be prescribing Beardicillin any time soon, but Adam is deadly serious about looking for replacements for our current stock of antibiotics.
As he pointed out, antibiotic-resistant infections kill at least 700,000 people a year, projected to rise to 10 million by 2050. There have been no new antibiotics released in the past 30 years.
As well as our beardy findings, Adam's team have recently isolated, from microbes sent in by the general public, anti-adhesion molecules which stop bacteria binding to other surfaces. They think there may be potential for adding this to toothpaste and mouthwash, as it could stop acid-producing bacteria from binding to enamel.
Surprising, isn't it, what you can find in a beard?
20 January 2016
If you were in search of a new, disease-fighting antibiotic, where might you start? In a swamp? A remote island? Well, how about combing beards? Michael Mosley investigates.
On Trust Me I'm a Doctor we do experiments which sometimes throw up genuinely new science. In a previous series, for example, we discovered you can cut the calories in pasta by cooking, cooling and then reheating it.
That was a very pleasing result. But our most recent discovery, finding bacteria which appear to be producing a novel form of antibiotic, feels altogether more significant. What was particularly delightful was that they were found growing in someone's beard.
Beards, as you may have noticed, are back. The chin-strap, the goatee, the neck beard and the Van Dyke, they all have their fans. But with beards sprouting everywhere, like new grass in the spring sunshine, there has inevitably been a backlash.
Critics claim that beards are not only an irritating affectation but can potentially harbour unpleasant bugs.
So, what's the evidence that beards pose any sort of health risk? Pogonophobes, people who fear beards, had those fears confirmed by a recent study in New Mexico where they found traces of enteric bacteria, the sort usually found in faeces, in randomly sampled beards.
As one newspaper put it: '"Some beards contain more poo than a toilet."
But is this typical? A recent and rather more scientific study, carried in an American hospital, came to very different conclusions.
Find out more
Trust Me I'm A Doctor is on BBC Two at 20:00 on Wednesday 20 January - or watch later on BBC iPlayer
In this study, published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, they swabbed the faces of 408 hospital staff with and without facial hair.
They had good reasons for doing so. We know that hospital-acquired infections are a major cause of disease and death in hospitals, with many patients acquiring an infection they didn't have when they went in. Hands, white coats, ties and equipment have all been blamed, but what about beards?
Well, the researchers were surprised to find that it was the clean-shaven staff, and not the beardies, who were more likely to be carrying something unpleasant on their faces.
The beardless group were more than three times as likely to be harbouring a species known as methicillin-resistant staph aureus on their freshly shaven cheeks. MRSA is a particularly common and troublesome source of hospital-acquired infections because it is resistant to so many of our current antibiotics.
So what's going on? The researchers suggested that shaving might cause micro-abrasions in the skin "which may support bacterial colonisation and proliferation".
Perhaps. But there was another more plausible explanation staring them in the face. That beards fight infection.
Unlikely? Well, driven by curiosity we recently swabbed the beards of a random assortment of men and sent them off to Dr Adam Roberts, a microbiologist based at University College London, to see what, if anything, he could grow.
Adam managed to grow over 100 different bacteria from our beards, including one that is more commonly found in the small intestine. But, as he quickly explains, that doesn't mean it came from faeces. Such findings are normal and nothing to worry about.
Far more interesting, in a few of the petri dishes he noticed that something was clearly killing the other bacteria. The most obvious suspect was a fellow microbe.
We see microbes as our enemy, but they clearly don't see us that way. Down at their level bacteria and fungi spend their time competing with each other. They fight for food, resources and space. By doing so, over millennia, they have evolved some of the most sophisticated weapons known to microbe-kind - antibiotics.
Penicillin was originally extracted from Penicillium notatum, a species of fungus. The microbe-killing properties of this fungus were discovered by Alexander Fleming when he noticed that a fungus spore, which had accidently blown into his lab from researchers further down the corridor, had killed some bacteria he was growing on a petri dish.
The fungus Penicillium notatum - is there something similar in beards?
So could our mysterious microbes be doing something similar? Killing fellow bacteria by producing some sort of toxin?
"Yes," says Adam extremely cautiously. "Possibly."
Adam indentified the silent assassins as part of a species called Staphylococcus epidermidis. When he tested them against a particularly drug-resistant form of Eschercichia coli (E. coli), the sort that cause urinary tract infections, they killed with abandon.
Purifying and properly testing a novel antibiotic is so expensive and has such a high failure rate that it is extremely unlikely doctors will be prescribing Beardicillin any time soon, but Adam is deadly serious about looking for replacements for our current stock of antibiotics.
As he pointed out, antibiotic-resistant infections kill at least 700,000 people a year, projected to rise to 10 million by 2050. There have been no new antibiotics released in the past 30 years.
As well as our beardy findings, Adam's team have recently isolated, from microbes sent in by the general public, anti-adhesion molecules which stop bacteria binding to other surfaces. They think there may be potential for adding this to toothpaste and mouthwash, as it could stop acid-producing bacteria from binding to enamel.
Surprising, isn't it, what you can find in a beard?
Monday, 18 January 2016
Do you know that locust beans is a food species whose importance is recognized both regionally and internationally? In some societies on the African continent it is not an ordinary food item but a therapeutic food and a source of income.
Locust bean, commonly referred to as iru by Yorubas, ‘ogiri’, ‘dawa dawa’ by Igbos, is a local seasoning or condiment used in soups and stews. A very popular soup ingredient, globally, it is referred to as African locust bean with the botanical name as Parkia biglobosa. It is not easy to look at, and the smell is unpleasant – at best. These aside, Locust Bean is the single, most significant ingredient guaranteed to take your soups, stews or mixed vegetables from just okay to great.
It can be found in a wide range of environments in Africa and is primarily grown for its pods that contain both a sweet pulp and valuable seeds. The most valuable parts of the locust bean are high in lipid (29%), protein (35%), carbohydrate (16%), and is a good source of fat and calcium for rural dwellers. Locust bean product should be converted into powdery form and packaged into various sizes in plastics for easy distribution.
Local research has shown that locust bean helps to promote good sight and drives away hypertension and diseases conditions like stroke and diabetes. It also contains tannins, astringent substances found in many plants. Foods rich in tannins are often recommended for treatment of diarrhoea. The portion of carob that is made into locust bean gum contains soluble fibre in the galactomannan family. Like other forms of soluble fibre, it has shown potential benefit for enhancing weight loss and controlling blood sugar levels.
The African locust bean tree has also been found to possess wonders. For instance, the pulverised bark of the tree is employed in wound healing and serves as one of the ingredients used in treating leprosy. The decoction of the bark is also used as bath for fever and as a hot mouth wash to steam and relieve toothache in Cote d’Ivoire.
In another result published in Science Journal based in Dakar, Senegal, researchers tried out locust beans on rats to find out whether it actually has any impact on controlling blood pressure and the result obtained showed that adequate doses of locust beans helped to decrease arterial blood pressure.
The findings showed that the diastolic blood pressure measurement enjoyed more reduction than even the systolic blood pressure. It also revealed the many wonders of African locust bean tree. The pulverised bark of African locust bean tree, for instance, is employed in wound healing and serves as one of the ingredients that are used in treating leprosy.
Locust beans is added to everything – not only because it tastes good and can serve as a tastier alternative to other spices cubes, but also due to its health benefits among which are vision improvement, digestion aid and much more.
Do you know that locust beans is a food species whose importance is recognized both regionally and internationally? In some societies on the African continent it is not an ordinary food item but a therapeutic food and a source of income.
Locust bean, commonly referred to as iru by Yorubas, ‘ogiri’, ‘dawa dawa’ by Igbos, is a local seasoning or condiment used in soups and stews. A very popular soup ingredient, globally, it is referred to as African locust bean with the botanical name as Parkia biglobosa. It is not easy to look at, and the smell is unpleasant – at best. These aside, Locust Bean is the single, most significant ingredient guaranteed to take your soups, stews or mixed vegetables from just okay to great.
It can be found in a wide range of environments in Africa and is primarily grown for its pods that contain both a sweet pulp and valuable seeds. The most valuable parts of the locust bean are high in lipid (29%), protein (35%), carbohydrate (16%), and is a good source of fat and calcium for rural dwellers. Locust bean product should be converted into powdery form and packaged into various sizes in plastics for easy distribution.
Local research has shown that locust bean helps to promote good sight and drives away hypertension and diseases conditions like stroke and diabetes. It also contains tannins, astringent substances found in many plants. Foods rich in tannins are often recommended for treatment of diarrhoea. The portion of carob that is made into locust bean gum contains soluble fibre in the galactomannan family. Like other forms of soluble fibre, it has shown potential benefit for enhancing weight loss and controlling blood sugar levels.
The African locust bean tree has also been found to possess wonders. For instance, the pulverised bark of the tree is employed in wound healing and serves as one of the ingredients used in treating leprosy. The decoction of the bark is also used as bath for fever and as a hot mouth wash to steam and relieve toothache in Cote d’Ivoire.
In another result published in Science Journal based in Dakar, Senegal, researchers tried out locust beans on rats to find out whether it actually has any impact on controlling blood pressure and the result obtained showed that adequate doses of locust beans helped to decrease arterial blood pressure.
The findings showed that the diastolic blood pressure measurement enjoyed more reduction than even the systolic blood pressure. It also revealed the many wonders of African locust bean tree. The pulverised bark of African locust bean tree, for instance, is employed in wound healing and serves as one of the ingredients that are used in treating leprosy.
Locust beans is added to everything – not only because it tastes good and can serve as a tastier alternative to other spices cubes, but also due to its health benefits among which are vision improvement, digestion aid and much more.
Norwich woman jailed for filming sex attack on unconscious woman
January 2016
Alyshia Newton, jailed for 32 months, filmed the sex attack on her mobile phone
A woman who used her phone to film a sex attack on an unconscious victim has been jailed for 32 months.
Alyshia Newton, 26, of Friends Road, Norwich, later showed the "extremely disturbing" footage to the assaulted woman, who cannot be named.
The victim contacted police, and the video - featuring a woman's giggle - was discovered on Newton's phone.
Newton pleaded guilty to sexual assault at Norwich Crown Court in November 2015. She was sentenced on Wednesday.
At Wednesday's hearing, the court heard that Newton's phone showed the victim lying unconscious as Victor Chokor, 36, of Balfour Street, Norwich, assaulted her. He was arrested a few days after police discovered footage of the attack, which happened in July 2014.
Victor Chokor, 36, carried out the attack on a helpless victim
Chokor was jailed for 27 months. He pleaded guilty in November to sexual assault and possession of extreme images.
"Extremely disturbing"
A woman's giggling is also heard during the incident at Chokor's flat where the victim had gone to socialise.
DC Paul White said: "The victim woke up, after passing out on a sofa, with no knowledge the offence had taken place.
"It was only days later when she saw the footage that she realised what had happened to her.
"The footage was extremely disturbing and it is shocking another woman would find such an incident amusing and take the time to record it on a mobile phone."
In addition to their prison sentences, Newton and Chokor were made subject of 10-year restraining orders and Sexual Harm Prevention Orders.
Newton was placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely and Chokor for 10 years.
January 2016
Alyshia Newton, jailed for 32 months, filmed the sex attack on her mobile phone
A woman who used her phone to film a sex attack on an unconscious victim has been jailed for 32 months.
Alyshia Newton, 26, of Friends Road, Norwich, later showed the "extremely disturbing" footage to the assaulted woman, who cannot be named.
The victim contacted police, and the video - featuring a woman's giggle - was discovered on Newton's phone.
Newton pleaded guilty to sexual assault at Norwich Crown Court in November 2015. She was sentenced on Wednesday.
At Wednesday's hearing, the court heard that Newton's phone showed the victim lying unconscious as Victor Chokor, 36, of Balfour Street, Norwich, assaulted her. He was arrested a few days after police discovered footage of the attack, which happened in July 2014.
Victor Chokor, 36, carried out the attack on a helpless victim
Chokor was jailed for 27 months. He pleaded guilty in November to sexual assault and possession of extreme images.
"Extremely disturbing"
A woman's giggling is also heard during the incident at Chokor's flat where the victim had gone to socialise.
DC Paul White said: "The victim woke up, after passing out on a sofa, with no knowledge the offence had taken place.
"It was only days later when she saw the footage that she realised what had happened to her.
"The footage was extremely disturbing and it is shocking another woman would find such an incident amusing and take the time to record it on a mobile phone."
In addition to their prison sentences, Newton and Chokor were made subject of 10-year restraining orders and Sexual Harm Prevention Orders.
Newton was placed on the Sex Offenders Register indefinitely and Chokor for 10 years.
Patriotic Nigerians all over the world, here are 9 things you probably did not know about your beloved country Nigeria. Although Nigeria is always the hot topic of the day, she has some interesting history and facts we should familiarize ourselves with.
Did you know that………………
1.Nigeria is home to seven percent (7%) of the total languages spoken on earth. Taraba state alone has more languages than 30 African countries.
2. The National Youth Service Corps was established by the decree No.24 of 22nd of May,1973, during the military regime of General Yakubu Gowon.
3. The Nigerian civil war/ Biafran war lasted for 2 years, 6 months, 1 week and 2days (6th of July, 1967 to 15th of January, 1970).
4. The Nigerian National flag designed by Micheal Taiwo Akinkumi in 1959, originally have a red quarter sun on the white part as a symbol of divine protection and guidance, but this was removed by the committee.
5. The Walls of Benin (800-1400AD), in present day Edo State, are the longest ancient earthworks in the world. They enclose 6500 square kilometers of community lands that connected about 500 communities and is over 16000 km long.
6. Ile-Ife, was paved as early as 1000AD, with decorations that originated from Ancient America suggesting there might have been contact between the Yorubas and the Ancient Americans half a millenium before Columbus ‘discovered’ America.
7. The Niger Delta is the second largest delta on the planet. It also has the highest concentration of monotypic fish families in the world, and is also home to sixty percent of Nigeria’s mangrove forests. Nigeria’s mangrove forests are the largest in Africa and third largest on earth.
8. Sungbo’s Eredo, a 160 km rampart equipped with guard houses and moats, is reputed to be the largest single pre-colonial monument in Africa. It is located in present-day Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State and when it was built a millennium ago it required more earth to be moved during construction than that used for building the Great Pyramid of Giza (one of the Seven Wonders of The Ancient World). The most astonishing thing is that Sungbo’s Eredo was the biggest city in the world (bigger than Rome and Cairo) during the Middle Ages when it was built!
9. Nigeria boasts of being the most habitable place for ‘Butterflies’. It is widely believed that areas surrounding Calabar, Cross River in the Southern part of Nigeria is home to the world’s largest diversity of butterflies.
Now you have some historical monuments to visit as a tourist and facts about some of Nigeria’s government, politics and culture
Woman in trouble for burning houseboy with hot iron, razor blade
Woman in Lagos is in trouble for using hot iron and razor blade on her house boy
A Lagos based trader, identified as Mama Sarah, is serious trouble after it was discovered that has been maltreating a 12-year-old boy, Michael Maduagu, who has been in her care since he was five.
The Nation reports that the woman who has a penchant for brutalising the poor boy whom she brought from Anambra State to live with her, used a hot iron on the boy, resulting insevere burns on his body.
The Executive Director of Rural and Urban Development Initiative (RUDI), a pressure group, Musbau Agbodemu, said the matter was first reported to his Ebute-Meta office by another trader who got fed up with the way the woman has been maltreating the boy.
It was learnt that Mama Sarah, who is also a cleaner with Nigerian Naval Dockyard, usually descended on the primary one pupil of the Bonny Camp Primary School, so bad that he passes out and on Sunday, January 10, the day she carried out the latest abuse on the boy, she allegedly beat him up, placed a hot iron on his leg and made incisions on his body with a blade.
It was gathered that Mama Sarah’s fellow traders at Bar Beach Bus Stop on Victoria Island, have severally accused her of inhuman treatment of the boy, urging the government to prosecute her.
Agbodemu said the Ministry of Woman Affairs and Poverty Alleviation officials have intervened in the matter.
“The boy is now in their custody. When he was brought to our office, he wasn’t in a good state. His body is full of scars and bruises. He couldn’t talk much because of fear.
I learnt she brought him to Lagos with the pretext of taking care of him after his father’s death. I just pray this matter will be treated with utmost urgency because she was summoned on Wednesday.”
A fellow trader identified as Buchi, said since Mama Sarah was summoned on Wednesday, she has been acting weird, adding that she has been planning to run away with her daughter.
“I moved to Bar Beach six years ago and I got to know Mama Sarah through Michael. He was always sad. I mostly saw him on the expressway selling fuel.
Things I cannot lift, Michael will lift it. There was a time I bought him food; I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the woman eating the food. The boy once pleaded with me to take him home but I couldn’t because I didn’t want to be accused of kidnapping.
So, I asked him to report his guardian to Bar Beach Police Station but they didn’t take his matter serious. Most times. she accuses him of stealing but I know he is not a thief. There was a day Sarah, her daughter, beat him with a stick. It was when I couldn’t continue to see the boy suffer I took him to RUDI.”
Another woman, Celestial said:
“There is nothing she cannot use to beat him. At times, she used naked wire, hot knife and put grinded pepper on his wounds. She is that mean. I personally went to her place of work to report to her boss. I don’t know the reason they haven’t come to pick her. Is it until she escapes? I think she also needs to be tortured to know how it feels.”
Another resident of the area, Destiny Francis, narrated that Mama Sarah was driven out of the Bar Beach Police Barracks on account of her maltreatment of the boy.
“I was shocked when I heard that she uses hot knife on boy’s legs. Three of her own children left her when her trouble was too much.
It is just her last born that lives with her and that one is something else. She sometimes beat her mother. I want justice to prevail.”
Woman in Lagos is in trouble for using hot iron and razor blade on her house boy
A Lagos based trader, identified as Mama Sarah, is serious trouble after it was discovered that has been maltreating a 12-year-old boy, Michael Maduagu, who has been in her care since he was five.
The Nation reports that the woman who has a penchant for brutalising the poor boy whom she brought from Anambra State to live with her, used a hot iron on the boy, resulting insevere burns on his body.
The Executive Director of Rural and Urban Development Initiative (RUDI), a pressure group, Musbau Agbodemu, said the matter was first reported to his Ebute-Meta office by another trader who got fed up with the way the woman has been maltreating the boy.
It was learnt that Mama Sarah, who is also a cleaner with Nigerian Naval Dockyard, usually descended on the primary one pupil of the Bonny Camp Primary School, so bad that he passes out and on Sunday, January 10, the day she carried out the latest abuse on the boy, she allegedly beat him up, placed a hot iron on his leg and made incisions on his body with a blade.
It was gathered that Mama Sarah’s fellow traders at Bar Beach Bus Stop on Victoria Island, have severally accused her of inhuman treatment of the boy, urging the government to prosecute her.
Agbodemu said the Ministry of Woman Affairs and Poverty Alleviation officials have intervened in the matter.
“The boy is now in their custody. When he was brought to our office, he wasn’t in a good state. His body is full of scars and bruises. He couldn’t talk much because of fear.
I learnt she brought him to Lagos with the pretext of taking care of him after his father’s death. I just pray this matter will be treated with utmost urgency because she was summoned on Wednesday.”
A fellow trader identified as Buchi, said since Mama Sarah was summoned on Wednesday, she has been acting weird, adding that she has been planning to run away with her daughter.
“I moved to Bar Beach six years ago and I got to know Mama Sarah through Michael. He was always sad. I mostly saw him on the expressway selling fuel.
Things I cannot lift, Michael will lift it. There was a time I bought him food; I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the woman eating the food. The boy once pleaded with me to take him home but I couldn’t because I didn’t want to be accused of kidnapping.
So, I asked him to report his guardian to Bar Beach Police Station but they didn’t take his matter serious. Most times. she accuses him of stealing but I know he is not a thief. There was a day Sarah, her daughter, beat him with a stick. It was when I couldn’t continue to see the boy suffer I took him to RUDI.”
Another woman, Celestial said:
“There is nothing she cannot use to beat him. At times, she used naked wire, hot knife and put grinded pepper on his wounds. She is that mean. I personally went to her place of work to report to her boss. I don’t know the reason they haven’t come to pick her. Is it until she escapes? I think she also needs to be tortured to know how it feels.”
Another resident of the area, Destiny Francis, narrated that Mama Sarah was driven out of the Bar Beach Police Barracks on account of her maltreatment of the boy.
“I was shocked when I heard that she uses hot knife on boy’s legs. Three of her own children left her when her trouble was too much.
It is just her last born that lives with her and that one is something else. She sometimes beat her mother. I want justice to prevail.”
4yrs old boy beheaded by ritualist in Osun
The quest for quick wealth by four gang members of ritual killers led them to killing a little boy under the pretext of wanting to buy him groundnut
The quest for quick wealth by four gang members of ritual killers have landed them in the police net, what is even worst is the desperate means they go about getting this vanities.
As reported by Tribune a four-year-old boy identified as Bakare Teslim was tricked by 25 year old Ganiyu Tajudeen who whisked the little boy away under the pretext that he wanted to buy him groundnut and then proceeded to kill him and behead him in Iragbiji, the headquarters of Boripe Local Government Area of Osun State.
The suspect initially denied the whereabouts of the little boy when the parent of the child where searching for him, contradicted by an elderly woman who lived in the same compound with Bakare's father said she saw Ganiyu take the young boy out.
“I am a palm fruit cutter. The mother of the body came to my house to tell me that she would need my services to cut palm fruits, asking me to come the following day. But I went to her house at about 5.30p.m same day. I took the young boy with me, with the belief that no one noticed when he was going with me. I bought N20 worth of groundnut for him before taking him to my house at Iyana Olofa.”
Parading the suspected ritual killers identified as Aremu Moshood (48), Agboola Abdulwasiu (31) and Ganiyu Abidoye (60) and 25 year old Ganiyu Tajudeen.
Ganiyu further confessed that Moshood, had earlier asked him to bring the urine, blood and hair of a young boy when he went to him for money ritual and for protection.
The suspect added that he went to Abdulwasiu for the same ritual and he also asked him to bring a boy.
Ganiyu also indicted his father, Abidoye, in his statement, saying that he was the one also told him to kill a boy and bury his body so that his acts would not be exposed.
The incident was reported to the Operatives of Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, (FSARS), Osun State Command investigation revealed that the deceased was taken to Olokede bush where the suspect cut his head with a knife and buried it, while he threw the body away.
Ganiyu and his other accomplices are to stand before an Osogbo magistrates’ court on a four-count charge of conspiracy, kidnapping, murder and unlawful and intentional killing of Teslim Bakare.
The Magistrate B.B Idowu Ajao, ordered that the suspects be remanded in prison till February 18th for the next hearing on the case.
The quest for quick wealth by four gang members of ritual killers led them to killing a little boy under the pretext of wanting to buy him groundnut
The quest for quick wealth by four gang members of ritual killers have landed them in the police net, what is even worst is the desperate means they go about getting this vanities.
As reported by Tribune a four-year-old boy identified as Bakare Teslim was tricked by 25 year old Ganiyu Tajudeen who whisked the little boy away under the pretext that he wanted to buy him groundnut and then proceeded to kill him and behead him in Iragbiji, the headquarters of Boripe Local Government Area of Osun State.
The suspect initially denied the whereabouts of the little boy when the parent of the child where searching for him, contradicted by an elderly woman who lived in the same compound with Bakare's father said she saw Ganiyu take the young boy out.
“I am a palm fruit cutter. The mother of the body came to my house to tell me that she would need my services to cut palm fruits, asking me to come the following day. But I went to her house at about 5.30p.m same day. I took the young boy with me, with the belief that no one noticed when he was going with me. I bought N20 worth of groundnut for him before taking him to my house at Iyana Olofa.”
Parading the suspected ritual killers identified as Aremu Moshood (48), Agboola Abdulwasiu (31) and Ganiyu Abidoye (60) and 25 year old Ganiyu Tajudeen.
Ganiyu further confessed that Moshood, had earlier asked him to bring the urine, blood and hair of a young boy when he went to him for money ritual and for protection.
The suspect added that he went to Abdulwasiu for the same ritual and he also asked him to bring a boy.
Ganiyu also indicted his father, Abidoye, in his statement, saying that he was the one also told him to kill a boy and bury his body so that his acts would not be exposed.
The incident was reported to the Operatives of Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad, (FSARS), Osun State Command investigation revealed that the deceased was taken to Olokede bush where the suspect cut his head with a knife and buried it, while he threw the body away.
Ganiyu and his other accomplices are to stand before an Osogbo magistrates’ court on a four-count charge of conspiracy, kidnapping, murder and unlawful and intentional killing of Teslim Bakare.
The Magistrate B.B Idowu Ajao, ordered that the suspects be remanded in prison till February 18th for the next hearing on the case.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
By Brother Muhammad Al-Hassan
It's not just about 'quick judgement' but what is 'apparent' - For what I came across, it wasn't him that was condemned BUT the write-up (which is deserving). - It does not matter how much knowledge or experience you've acquired (If you're wrong, then you're SIMPLY WRONG).
Worship Allah consistently for 90 years and commit Zina and see if you'll not be punish in a Sharia practicing community (The point here is: your bulk of good deeds does not imply that you'll not be cautioned when you err) - Umar RA had directly disagreed with the best of Mankind (Rasul SAW), and his point was justified by Allah the Supreme through some revelations. The pointer here is not 'Disobedience' to the prophet, but a fact that no matter how good or knowledgeable you are, you can get it wrong.
A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE FOR THE EDUCATED is that, revisiting the Article - How can 'BURQAH RATHER THAN' all unanimously disappear in a perfected Article where it was during the 'final proof reading, while crossing the T(s) and dotting the I(s)' that the 3 words inadvertently disappear...
What a defence!!!
Every learned computer operator knew the possible mistakes that could occur from your claim.
Media operators and personnels have for a long time turn the masses to their remotable appliances (if such word exist) - They form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about this image. Essentially, everything we know or think we know about our community and beyond comes to us via the media - It is the media that makes a Saint out of a Murderer and a Murderer out of a Saint, it all depends on the side you belong. In the language of a one time US president George Bush Jnr: "It is either you're with us or with them."
They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of information to make you believe what they want because they have the expertise which they use as a weapon. - In doing this, they employ carefully developed psychological techniques. Most as a result become tools for the politicians and the World Worst Set of People.
Now let's come back to life...
Reflect over the following:
1) Was it BURQAH the Nigerian Gov't was likely to ban or HIJAB?
2) Did the president or any of the press mentioned anything relating to BURQAH by name??
3) Are the Nigerian Muslims (especially those in the S/W and S/E) facing the challenge of the BURQAH or the HIJAB itself???
So what brought BURQAH into that sentence?!! (well, I perceive a Cunning Self Defence as commonly practised by the misleading Media - The Missile of the 21st Century).
And as long and as sensitive as those words are, they simply disappeared!
2nd point to reflect upon:
Did you just mentioned that the Article passed through not less than five reputable scholars before it was published? - And none of them was opportuned to observe that dangerous portion of 'Banning Hijab is not the same as banning Islam'?? Howbeit, nothing is impossible, but it's questionable.
...In my opinion, with the kind of unjustifiable pains and challenges our Muslim Sisters are going through in this country (which constitutionally permits freedom of Religion), you shouldn't make such Terrible Mistake (which has numerous implications on them and on us) and remain adamant, by saying "those who were calling for apology in their reactions were only arrogantly playing God" - Well, I feel you should rather tell them: 'I'm Sorry for making that mistake' - Or at least cover up by saying 'It's an oversight.'
... Secondly - You should also bear in mind that it's not about the experiences, qualifications or offers you have rejected that will qualify you to be always correct - In fact, no soul is flawless, so if you make a dangerous mistake, we'll call you to order.
...Lastly - You can't expect the reaction from overseas to be compared to that from Nigerians because we are the ones facing it.
+++ I did not compose this rejoinder to insult you, but to sincerely express exactly what I feel - Wherever I make mistake or hurt you, forgive me for the sake of Allah and may Allah forgive me and the entire Ummah who are in dire need of His Pardon.
By Brother Muhammad Al-Hassan
It's not just about 'quick judgement' but what is 'apparent' - For what I came across, it wasn't him that was condemned BUT the write-up (which is deserving). - It does not matter how much knowledge or experience you've acquired (If you're wrong, then you're SIMPLY WRONG).
Worship Allah consistently for 90 years and commit Zina and see if you'll not be punish in a Sharia practicing community (The point here is: your bulk of good deeds does not imply that you'll not be cautioned when you err) - Umar RA had directly disagreed with the best of Mankind (Rasul SAW), and his point was justified by Allah the Supreme through some revelations. The pointer here is not 'Disobedience' to the prophet, but a fact that no matter how good or knowledgeable you are, you can get it wrong.
A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE FOR THE EDUCATED is that, revisiting the Article - How can 'BURQAH RATHER THAN' all unanimously disappear in a perfected Article where it was during the 'final proof reading, while crossing the T(s) and dotting the I(s)' that the 3 words inadvertently disappear...
What a defence!!!
Every learned computer operator knew the possible mistakes that could occur from your claim.
Media operators and personnels have for a long time turn the masses to their remotable appliances (if such word exist) - They form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about this image. Essentially, everything we know or think we know about our community and beyond comes to us via the media - It is the media that makes a Saint out of a Murderer and a Murderer out of a Saint, it all depends on the side you belong. In the language of a one time US president George Bush Jnr: "It is either you're with us or with them."
They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of information to make you believe what they want because they have the expertise which they use as a weapon. - In doing this, they employ carefully developed psychological techniques. Most as a result become tools for the politicians and the World Worst Set of People.
Now let's come back to life...
Reflect over the following:
1) Was it BURQAH the Nigerian Gov't was likely to ban or HIJAB?
2) Did the president or any of the press mentioned anything relating to BURQAH by name??
3) Are the Nigerian Muslims (especially those in the S/W and S/E) facing the challenge of the BURQAH or the HIJAB itself???
So what brought BURQAH into that sentence?!! (well, I perceive a Cunning Self Defence as commonly practised by the misleading Media - The Missile of the 21st Century).
And as long and as sensitive as those words are, they simply disappeared!
2nd point to reflect upon:
Did you just mentioned that the Article passed through not less than five reputable scholars before it was published? - And none of them was opportuned to observe that dangerous portion of 'Banning Hijab is not the same as banning Islam'?? Howbeit, nothing is impossible, but it's questionable.
...In my opinion, with the kind of unjustifiable pains and challenges our Muslim Sisters are going through in this country (which constitutionally permits freedom of Religion), you shouldn't make such Terrible Mistake (which has numerous implications on them and on us) and remain adamant, by saying "those who were calling for apology in their reactions were only arrogantly playing God" - Well, I feel you should rather tell them: 'I'm Sorry for making that mistake' - Or at least cover up by saying 'It's an oversight.'
... Secondly - You should also bear in mind that it's not about the experiences, qualifications or offers you have rejected that will qualify you to be always correct - In fact, no soul is flawless, so if you make a dangerous mistake, we'll call you to order.
...Lastly - You can't expect the reaction from overseas to be compared to that from Nigerians because we are the ones facing it.
+++ I did not compose this rejoinder to insult you, but to sincerely express exactly what I feel - Wherever I make mistake or hurt you, forgive me for the sake of Allah and may Allah forgive me and the entire Ummah who are in dire need of His Pardon.
Bible Scholars Says
By John Blake, CNN
Bible Scholars Says
By John Blake, CNN
John Blake, CNN Wrote
(CNN) — A frail man sits in chains inside a dank, cold prison cell. He has escaped death before but now realizes that his execution is drawing near.
“I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come,” the man –the Apostle Paul — says in the Bible’s 2 Timothy. “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.”
The passage is one of the most dramatic scenes in the New Testament. Paul, the most prolific New Testament author, is saying goodbye from a Roman prison cell before being beheaded. His goodbye veers from loneliness to defiance and, finally, to joy.
There’s one just one problem — Paul didn’t write those words. In fact, virtually half the New Testament was written by impostors taking on the names of apostles like Paul. At least according to Bart D. Ehrman, a renowned biblical scholar, who makes the charges in his new book “Forged.”
“There were a lot of people in the ancient world who thought that lying could serve a greater good,” says Ehrman, an expert on ancient biblical manuscripts.In “Forged,” Ehrman claims that:
* At least 11 of the 27 New Testament books are forgeries.
* The New Testament books attributed to Jesus’ disciples could not have been written by them because they were illiterate.
* Many of the New Testament’s forgeries were manufactured by early Christian leaders trying to settle theological feuds.
Were Jesus’ disciples ‘illiterate peasants?’
Ehrman’s book, like many of his previous ones, is already generating backlash. Ben Witherington, a New Testament scholar, has written a lengthy onlinecritique of “Forged.”
Witherington calls Ehrman’s book “Gullible Travels, for it reveals over and over again the willingness of people to believe even outrageous things.”
All of the New Testament books, with the exception of 2 Peter, can be traced back to a very small group of literate Christians, some of whom were eyewitnesses to the lives of Jesus and Paul, Witherington says.
“Forged” also underestimates the considerable role scribes played in transcribing documents during the earliest days of Christianity, Witherington says.
Even if Paul didn’t write the second book of Timothy, he would have dictated it to a scribe for posterity, he says.
“When you have a trusted colleague or co-worker who knows the mind of Paul, there was no problem in antiquity with that trusted co-worker hearing Paul’s last testimony in prison,” he says. “This is not forgery. This is the last will and testament of someone who is dying.”
Ehrman doesn’t confine his critique to Paul’s letters. He challenges the authenticity of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John. He says that none were written by Jesus’ disciplies, citing two reasons.
He says none of the earliest gospels revealed the names of its authors, and that their current names were later added by scribes.
Ehrman also says that two of Jesus’ original disciples, John and Peter, could not have written the books attributed to them in the New Testament because they were illiterate.
“According to Acts 4:13, both Peter and his companion John, also a fisherman, were agrammatoi, a Greek word that literally means ‘unlettered,’ that is, ‘illiterate,’ ’’ he writes.
Will the real Paul stand up?
Ehrman reserves most of his scrutiny for the writings of Paul, which make up the bulk of the New Testament. He says that only about half of the New Testament letters attributed to Paul — 7 of 13 — were actually written by him.
Paul’s remaining books are forgeries, Ehrman says. His proof: inconsistencies in the language, choice of words and blatant contradiction in doctrine.
For example, Ehrman says the book of Ephesians doesn’t conform to Paul’s distinctive Greek writing style. He says Paul wrote in short, pointed sentences while Ephesians is full of long Greek sentences (the opening sentence of thanksgiving in Ephesians unfurls a sentence that winds through 12 verses, he says).
“There’s nothing wrong with extremely long sentences in Greek; it just isn’t the way Paul wrote. It’s like Mark Twain and William Faulkner; they both wrote correctly, but you would never mistake the one for the other,” Ehrman writes.
The scholar also points to a famous passage in 1 Corinthians in which Paul is recorded as saying that women should be “silent” in churches and that “if they wish to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home.”
Only three chapters earlier, in the same book, Paul is urging women who pray and prophesy in church to cover their heads with veils, Ehrman says: “If they were allowed to speak in chapter 11, how could they be told not to speak in chapter 14?”
Why people forged
Forgers often did their work because they were trying to settle early church disputes, Ehrman says. The early church was embroiled in conflict — people argued over the treatment of women, leadership and relations between masters and slaves, he says.
“There was competition among different groups of Christians about what to believe and each of these groups wanted to have authority to back up their views,” he says. “If you were a nobody, you wouldn’t sign your own name to your treatise. You would sign Peter or John.”
So people claiming to be Peter and John — and all sorts of people who claimed to know Jesus — went into publishing overdrive. Ehrman estimates that there were about 100 forgeries created in the name of Jesus’ inner-circle during the first four centuries of the church.
Witherington concedes that fabrications and forgeries floated around the earliest Christian communities.
But he doesn’t accept the notion that Peter, for example, could not have been literate because he was a fisherman.
“Fisherman had to do business. Guess what? That involves writing, contracts and signed documents,” he said in an interview.
Witherington says people will gravitate toward Ehrman’s work because the media loves sensationalism.
“We live in a Jesus-haunted culture that’s biblically illiterate,” he says. “Almost anything can pass for historical information… A book liked ‘Forged’ can unsettle people who have no third or fourth opinions to draw upon.”
Ehrman, of course, has another point of view.
“Forged” will help people accept something that it took him a long time to accept, says the author, a former fundamentalist who is now an agnostic.
The New Testament wasn’t written by the finger of God, he says — it has human fingerprints all over its pages.
“I’m not saying people should throw it out or it’s not theologically fruitful,” Ehrman says. “I’m saying that by realizing it contains so many forgeries, it shows that it’s a very human book, down to the fact that some authors lied about who they were.”
(CNN) — A frail man sits in chains inside a dank, cold prison cell. He has escaped death before but now realizes that his execution is drawing near.
“I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come,” the man –the Apostle Paul — says in the Bible’s 2 Timothy. “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.”
The passage is one of the most dramatic scenes in the New Testament. Paul, the most prolific New Testament author, is saying goodbye from a Roman prison cell before being beheaded. His goodbye veers from loneliness to defiance and, finally, to joy.
There’s one just one problem — Paul didn’t write those words. In fact, virtually half the New Testament was written by impostors taking on the names of apostles like Paul. At least according to Bart D. Ehrman, a renowned biblical scholar, who makes the charges in his new book “Forged.”
“There were a lot of people in the ancient world who thought that lying could serve a greater good,” says Ehrman, an expert on ancient biblical manuscripts.In “Forged,” Ehrman claims that:
* At least 11 of the 27 New Testament books are forgeries.
* The New Testament books attributed to Jesus’ disciples could not have been written by them because they were illiterate.
* Many of the New Testament’s forgeries were manufactured by early Christian leaders trying to settle theological feuds.
Were Jesus’ disciples ‘illiterate peasants?’
Ehrman’s book, like many of his previous ones, is already generating backlash. Ben Witherington, a New Testament scholar, has written a lengthy onlinecritique of “Forged.”
Witherington calls Ehrman’s book “Gullible Travels, for it reveals over and over again the willingness of people to believe even outrageous things.”
All of the New Testament books, with the exception of 2 Peter, can be traced back to a very small group of literate Christians, some of whom were eyewitnesses to the lives of Jesus and Paul, Witherington says.
“Forged” also underestimates the considerable role scribes played in transcribing documents during the earliest days of Christianity, Witherington says.
Even if Paul didn’t write the second book of Timothy, he would have dictated it to a scribe for posterity, he says.
“When you have a trusted colleague or co-worker who knows the mind of Paul, there was no problem in antiquity with that trusted co-worker hearing Paul’s last testimony in prison,” he says. “This is not forgery. This is the last will and testament of someone who is dying.”
Ehrman doesn’t confine his critique to Paul’s letters. He challenges the authenticity of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and John. He says that none were written by Jesus’ disciplies, citing two reasons.
He says none of the earliest gospels revealed the names of its authors, and that their current names were later added by scribes.
Ehrman also says that two of Jesus’ original disciples, John and Peter, could not have written the books attributed to them in the New Testament because they were illiterate.
“According to Acts 4:13, both Peter and his companion John, also a fisherman, were agrammatoi, a Greek word that literally means ‘unlettered,’ that is, ‘illiterate,’ ’’ he writes.
Will the real Paul stand up?
Ehrman reserves most of his scrutiny for the writings of Paul, which make up the bulk of the New Testament. He says that only about half of the New Testament letters attributed to Paul — 7 of 13 — were actually written by him.
Paul’s remaining books are forgeries, Ehrman says. His proof: inconsistencies in the language, choice of words and blatant contradiction in doctrine.
For example, Ehrman says the book of Ephesians doesn’t conform to Paul’s distinctive Greek writing style. He says Paul wrote in short, pointed sentences while Ephesians is full of long Greek sentences (the opening sentence of thanksgiving in Ephesians unfurls a sentence that winds through 12 verses, he says).
“There’s nothing wrong with extremely long sentences in Greek; it just isn’t the way Paul wrote. It’s like Mark Twain and William Faulkner; they both wrote correctly, but you would never mistake the one for the other,” Ehrman writes.
The scholar also points to a famous passage in 1 Corinthians in which Paul is recorded as saying that women should be “silent” in churches and that “if they wish to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home.”
Only three chapters earlier, in the same book, Paul is urging women who pray and prophesy in church to cover their heads with veils, Ehrman says: “If they were allowed to speak in chapter 11, how could they be told not to speak in chapter 14?”
Why people forged
Forgers often did their work because they were trying to settle early church disputes, Ehrman says. The early church was embroiled in conflict — people argued over the treatment of women, leadership and relations between masters and slaves, he says.
“There was competition among different groups of Christians about what to believe and each of these groups wanted to have authority to back up their views,” he says. “If you were a nobody, you wouldn’t sign your own name to your treatise. You would sign Peter or John.”
So people claiming to be Peter and John — and all sorts of people who claimed to know Jesus — went into publishing overdrive. Ehrman estimates that there were about 100 forgeries created in the name of Jesus’ inner-circle during the first four centuries of the church.
Witherington concedes that fabrications and forgeries floated around the earliest Christian communities.
But he doesn’t accept the notion that Peter, for example, could not have been literate because he was a fisherman.
“Fisherman had to do business. Guess what? That involves writing, contracts and signed documents,” he said in an interview.
Witherington says people will gravitate toward Ehrman’s work because the media loves sensationalism.
“We live in a Jesus-haunted culture that’s biblically illiterate,” he says. “Almost anything can pass for historical information… A book liked ‘Forged’ can unsettle people who have no third or fourth opinions to draw upon.”
Ehrman, of course, has another point of view.
“Forged” will help people accept something that it took him a long time to accept, says the author, a former fundamentalist who is now an agnostic.
The New Testament wasn’t written by the finger of God, he says — it has human fingerprints all over its pages.
“I’m not saying people should throw it out or it’s not theologically fruitful,” Ehrman says. “I’m saying that by realizing it contains so many forgeries, it shows that it’s a very human book, down to the fact that some authors lied about who they were.”
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