By Brother Muhammad Al-Hassan
It's not just about 'quick judgement' but what is 'apparent' - For what I came across, it wasn't him that was condemned BUT the write-up (which is deserving). - It does not matter how much knowledge or experience you've acquired (If you're wrong, then you're SIMPLY WRONG).
Worship Allah consistently for 90 years and commit Zina and see if you'll not be punish in a Sharia practicing community (The point here is: your bulk of good deeds does not imply that you'll not be cautioned when you err) - Umar RA had directly disagreed with the best of Mankind (Rasul SAW), and his point was justified by Allah the Supreme through some revelations. The pointer here is not 'Disobedience' to the prophet, but a fact that no matter how good or knowledgeable you are, you can get it wrong.
A VERY IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE FOR THE EDUCATED is that, revisiting the Article - How can 'BURQAH RATHER THAN' all unanimously disappear in a perfected Article where it was during the 'final proof reading, while crossing the T(s) and dotting the I(s)' that the 3 words inadvertently disappear...
What a defence!!!
Every learned computer operator knew the possible mistakes that could occur from your claim.
Media operators and personnels have for a long time turn the masses to their remotable appliances (if such word exist) - They form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about this image. Essentially, everything we know or think we know about our community and beyond comes to us via the media - It is the media that makes a Saint out of a Murderer and a Murderer out of a Saint, it all depends on the side you belong. In the language of a one time US president George Bush Jnr: "It is either you're with us or with them."
They exercise both subtlety and thoroughness in their management of information to make you believe what they want because they have the expertise which they use as a weapon. - In doing this, they employ carefully developed psychological techniques. Most as a result become tools for the politicians and the World Worst Set of People.
Now let's come back to life...
Reflect over the following:
1) Was it BURQAH the Nigerian Gov't was likely to ban or HIJAB?
2) Did the president or any of the press mentioned anything relating to BURQAH by name??
3) Are the Nigerian Muslims (especially those in the S/W and S/E) facing the challenge of the BURQAH or the HIJAB itself???
So what brought BURQAH into that sentence?!! (well, I perceive a Cunning Self Defence as commonly practised by the misleading Media - The Missile of the 21st Century).
And as long and as sensitive as those words are, they simply disappeared!
2nd point to reflect upon:
Did you just mentioned that the Article passed through not less than five reputable scholars before it was published? - And none of them was opportuned to observe that dangerous portion of 'Banning Hijab is not the same as banning Islam'?? Howbeit, nothing is impossible, but it's questionable.
...In my opinion, with the kind of unjustifiable pains and challenges our Muslim Sisters are going through in this country (which constitutionally permits freedom of Religion), you shouldn't make such Terrible Mistake (which has numerous implications on them and on us) and remain adamant, by saying "those who were calling for apology in their reactions were only arrogantly playing God" - Well, I feel you should rather tell them: 'I'm Sorry for making that mistake' - Or at least cover up by saying 'It's an oversight.'
... Secondly - You should also bear in mind that it's not about the experiences, qualifications or offers you have rejected that will qualify you to be always correct - In fact, no soul is flawless, so if you make a dangerous mistake, we'll call you to order.
...Lastly - You can't expect the reaction from overseas to be compared to that from Nigerians because we are the ones facing it.
+++ I did not compose this rejoinder to insult you, but to sincerely express exactly what I feel - Wherever I make mistake or hurt you, forgive me for the sake of Allah and may Allah forgive me and the entire Ummah who are in dire need of His Pardon.
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